• Mar. Mar 4th, 2025

Atlantis is real: Official discovery of Atlantis, language and migrations

Atlantis is the Sardo Corso Graben Horst underwater continental block submerged by the Meltwater Pulses and destroyed by a subduction zone, Capital is Sulcis

Birsa Bank found by Luigi UsaiBirsa Bank Civilisation found by Luigi Usai
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Luigi Usai’s Birsa Bank civilisation

To visit the bathymetry website which shows you real-time analisys, click the link below:


Luigi Usai found Unidentified Submerged objects under the Mediterranean Sea, stretching from underwater seamount Bank to underwater seamount Bank, for instance, to quote one, on the Birsa Bank and Bouri Bank, near Sicily and Malta, and in the Sicily-Malta Continental Slope.

Sequenze sismiche proprio nella zona di Birsa Bank, ipotesi –> bombe di profondità per distruggere i reperti archeologici?

Sicily Channel Malta Plateau Malta Channel Sicily-Malta Escarpment Gela Basin Malta Trough Hurd Bank

Some Data/Information used in this website was made available by the EMODnet Human Activities project and Emodnet, www.emodnet-humanactivities.eu, funded by the European Commission Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.

In base alla vigente normativa, considerando l’animus derelinquendi nei confronti del corpus derelictionis, dichiaro Res Nullius e Res Derelicta il ritrovamento e/o gli oggetti in esso presenti, salvo diverse disposizioni normative che verranno valutate di volta in volta con le Autorità preposte.


incredibile scoperta sottomarina a Birsa Bank
incredibile scoperta sottomarina a Birsa Bank

I contacted various university professors, to signal that I may have made some very important discoveries.
A teacher replied that he does not divulge other people’s discoveries. Another replied that the Scientific Community properly does not exist, and therefore it was not possible to contact it. In short, I have realized in the last two years that I would have to do everything myself, as I was not believed or I was hindered by individuals who it is not clear if they were jealous. I therefore decided to create this website to spread information online and bypass the people who were trying to stop or boycott my potential scientific breakthroughs.
In fact, I believe that knowledge is a good for all of humanity, and not just for some people.

Are these old building technique used to create very ancient constructions and buildings?















Luigi Usai's Birsa Bank civilisation
Luigi Usai’s Birsa Bank civilisation

















Birska Bank hidden deep unknown civilisation found by Luigi Usai – atlantisfound.it
Birska Bank hidden deep unknown civilisation found by Luigi Usai – atlantisfound.it













Scoperta in Sicilia nella Sicily-Malta Escarpment misteriosa città sottomarina sommersa e dimenticata

Luigi Usai's Birsa Bank civilisation
Luigi Usai’s Birsa Bank civilisation














Luigi Usai's Birsa Bank civilisation
Luigi Usai’s Birsa Bank civilisation




Luigi Usai ha scoperto quella che sembra una civiltà sommersa al largo delle coste della Sicilia nella scarpata continentale Sicilia-Malta
Luigi Usai ha scoperto quella che sembra una civiltà sommersa al largo delle coste della Sicilia nella scarpata continentale Sicilia-Malta