• Mer. Mar 26th, 2025 3:41:18 PM

Atlantis is real: Official discovery of Atlantis, language and migrations

Atlantis is the Sardo Corso Graben Horst underwater continental block submerged by the Meltwater Pulses and destroyed by a subduction zone, Capital is Sulcis

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The Garden of the Hesperides gave golden fruits, and was located at the ends of the known earth; an analogy has been found with the apparently mythological story of the Hesperides in Sardinian toponymy: there is in fact a locality called Fruttidoro, located in the locality of Capoterra, in Sardinia. Capoterra, from the Sardinian Caputerra, then in Latin “Caput Terrae”, is the “head of the Earth”, i.e. the extreme edge known in antiquity (Paleolithic/Mesolithic, around about 11,600 years ago, to have an approximate but useful date for understanding), while the current location of Fruttidoro in Capoterra would be the legendary Garden of the Hesperides. This new discovery has not yet been counter-validated by scholars, nor have stratigraphies been carried out for the relative counter-verification.atlantisfound.it, was the Paleolithic/Mesolithic name of the sea that surrounded the island which was then Sardinian-Corso-Atlantean land. The Hesperides Islands must therefore have been the archaic names with which Sardinia and Corsica were defined in the millennia following the semi-submersion of the Sardinian-Corsican geological block. Hesperidum Insulae, “The Islands of the Evening”, because at sunset, when the Greeks looked towards the west, sailing in that direction from their most remote position, i.e. with great probability the island of Ischia, they saw 2 distant islands, which today are known with the names of Sardinia and Corsica, and which are plateaus of emerged land of the semi-submerged Sardinian-Corsican geological block. The linguist and glottologist Massimo Pittau analyzed the location of the Garden of the Hesperides, placing it presumably in Sardinia and pointing out that it was still a legend; I, on the other hand, in my bald ignorance, go further and propose that it is not a legend, but a real place located in Fruttidoro di Capoterra, according to what is stated in other terms by the myth. Obviously, a serious scholar should study all the toponymy of Capoterra and nearby localities, to verify the oldest names to which it is possible to go back and if in the past they were called in other ways. In any case, a good analysis based on satellite archeology would be appropriate, to highlight very ancient settlements, Mesolithic or Neolithic, present on the site or UNDER the site (because most likely by now they will be submerged by the superimposed layers over the millennia). Following these interpretations, we can analyze other aspects of mythology: Teti was a Sardinian. Peleus married a Sardinian, but the Greeks called them “nymphs of the sea”. The garden of the Hesperides is in Fruttidoro di Capoterra, in Sardinia, between the Atlas mountains, i.e. the Sulcis mountains, and the Palaeolithic Atlantic Ocean, i.e. the current Mediterranean. Teti was the eponym of the Sardinian city still called Teti today. Wild boar hunting therefore took place in Sardinia: this use still exists. Re-reading the myth in this key, each piece falls into place and all these stories begin to take on a perfectly logical sense. In the Paleolithic, the Ocean of Atlantis, or the Atlantic Ocean, was the name that designated part of the current Mediterranean Sea, as in the image below https://www.atlantisfound.it/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Oceano-Atlantico-2.png In light greenish it is possible to see the whole part of the Corsican Sardinian block that was submerged around 9600 BC by a geological catastrophe, precisely described also in Timaeus, which is precisely a text not only of cosmology, but also of astronomical geography, geography and geology. https://www.atlantisfound.it/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/atlantide-perfetta-6.png?v=1686964280 But since in the historical period, under the Romans, the Atlantic Ocean was named Mare Nostrum, the Paleolithic nomenclature had now disappeared from most of the texts. However, many scholars and ancient texts still reported the word Atlantic Ocean. Later, it was called the Mediterranean, for which the scholars/scientists of the last 2000 years or so focused on looking for the island of Atlantis, i.e. the Sardinian-Corsican geological block that was semi-submerged in about 9600 BC, in the wrong place: that’s why no one has ever found.

All explanations on the website https://www.atlantisfound.it/it_it/2023/02/12/che-atlantide-sia-il-blocco-sardo-corso-sommerso