• Dom. Feb 2nd, 2025

Atlantis is real: Official discovery of Atlantis, language and migrations

Atlantis is the Sardo Corso Graben Horst underwater continental block submerged by the Meltwater Pulses and destroyed by a subduction zone, Capital is Sulcis

Versión 609 El descubrimiento de la Atlántida, también llamada Haou-Nebout, Meropis, Cyrneichnusa, Babilonia la Grande, Nibiru, bloque geológico Tirreno y Sardo-Corso.Versión 609 El descubrimiento de la Atlántida, también llamada Haou-Nebout, Meropis, Cyrneichnusa, Babilonia la Grande, Nibiru, bloque geológico Tirreno y Sardo-Corso.
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The Jewish people in Egypt around the year 1200 BC are the Corsican Atlantean Sardinian Nuragic people, one of the various sea peoples spoken of in official historical, archaeological and literary sources, who migrated to Egypt due to the raising of the eustatic level of the ‘Atlantic Ocean, today called the Western Mediterranean

The Bible is the story of the Nuragic Jewish people who fled the Corsican Sardinian geological block while a notable rise in the eustatic level was taking place. For fear that they would all drown, they decided to leave towards the East, and arrived at the coast of Egypt. There are two scientific and archaeological proofs: the inscriptions in the temple of Medinet Habu, and the Merenptah stele, both archaeological documents, the temple even building construction evidence. The Nuragic people were called by the Egyptians the people of the ISRI, from the Stele of Merenptah, hence the people of Israel. The Nuragic Jewish people were looking for a Promised Land because their original land, the Corsican Sardinian geological block, was about to be submerged by the rising eustatic sea level of the ancient Atlantic Ocean which today we call on geographical maps the “Western Mediterranean Sea” . The Corsican Sardinian block was called Atlantis by the Egyptians, we know this from the speech of Sonchis of Sais to Solon around 590 BC .

Now I will try to demonstrate it with scientific and literary evidence.

A scientific theory must make predictions: I predict that in the Neolithic town of Serra Linta and the Necropolis of Iloi they will find writings in proto-Hebrew. The reason is that if the Sardinian Corsican Nuragic Atlanteans are the Jews, i.e. the people of the Atlantean sea of ​​the semi-submerged Corsican Sardinian geological block which then migrated to the East, it means that the Hebrew language is the Nuragic language, so it is possible that the proto-Hebrew was born in one of the places of the semi-submerged Sardinian Corsican Atlantean block.
The discovery of finds in proto-Hebrew would be an indirect confirmation of the validity of my scientific statements, to be considered hypotheses for you readers, to be considered statements by Luigi Usai, the writer, because he firmly believes in all of this. This is not a coincidence.

Let’s start with the list of possible tests with sometimes reversed logical operation.

  1. Compatible chronology:  The Nuragic civilization developed between 1700 and 700 BC, a period that coincides with the biblical history of the ancient patriarchs and their migration to Egypt.
  2. Common symbols:  Some Nuragic carvings feature symbols that could be interpreted as proto-Hebrew.
  3. Toponymy:  Sardinia retains toponyms such as “Nur” and “Nora” from which the Hebrew root “Ner” could derive, meaning “light”.
  4. Names of the Deities : in Egypt the Goddess Amenti, linked to funeral rites. S’ammentu in Sardinian means remembrance, memory, recovery, discovery. It is a word that has a strong cultural and historical value, and which was used as the title of a magazine 1  and a poem 2  dedicated to Sardinia and its traditions. 1 :  AMMENTU – Historical and Archival Bulletin of the Mediterranean and the Americas 2 :  Ammentu (innanti a su retrattu)  Egyptologists do not study the Sardinian language among the obligatory languages ​​to forget Egyptology experts, so not knowing Sardinian, they cannot understand or translate the inscriptions correctly and according to the correct interpretation. In fact, the Sardinians and the Sardinian culture do not appear in the texts that speak of Ancient Egypt, with devastating implications for the interpretation of ancient sources. 
  5. The testimony of some ancient authors, such as Herodotus, Diodorus Siculus, Strabo, who speak of a migration of peoples from the western Mediterranean towards Egypt, identified with the peoples of the sea, including the Shardana, who according to Usai would be the same Corsican Sardinians Atlanteans.
  6. The archaeological finds that show the presence of Sardinian Corsican populations in ancient Egypt are either made to disappear or are expelled out of the territory. For example, all the bronzes linked to the Usai mummy found in the Bologna Museum are real Nuragic bronzes, but made in Egypt. Since these elements are disturbing, because the official wrong version on ancient Egypt absolutely does not speak of Sardis, indeed, it probably does not even mention them, then these archaeological finds are calmly left at the Archaeological Museum of Bologna, where, much closer physically to the Nuragic bronzework Sardinian, they do not cause a stir or fear. But if they were in Cairo, some scholars might wonder if there are relationships between the Sardinian Nuragic bronzes and the Egyptian ones, creating problems in possible ancient historical interpretations. We have a lot of evidence that the Egyptians had been in Sardinia since the 6th century BC, so it is impossible that they did not know the Nuragic Bronzes… indeed, now, in hindsight, we wonder how it is possible that the experts and archaeologists did not have realized all these impressive “coincidences”… We have in fact the Nuragic bronze of the God BES in Cairo
    Online collection – Statuette of the god Bes (museoegizio.it)
    It would perhaps be appropriate to delve deeper into these cultural links and review the texts that talk about them ?
  7. It could be hypothesized that the Jewish people in Egypt around the year 1200 BC were the Sardinian Corsican Atlantean Nuragic people, one of the various sea peoples spoken of in official historical, archaeological and literary sources. According to the writer Dr. Luigi Usai, the Nuragic people migrated to Egypt due to the raising of the eustatic level of the Atlantic Ocean, today called the Western Mediterranean . The Bible is the story of the Nuragic Jewish people who fled the Corsican Sardinian geological block while this phenomenon occurred. It is possible that the Nuragic Jewish people were looking for a Promised Land because their original land was about to be submerged by the sea: in fact they could not have known that in the future the eustatic ascent would stop and two plateaus of Atlantis would remain above the surface of the water , then called Ichnussa and Sandaliotis as a mockery, since God had crushed Atlantis with his foot or his sandal, and after removing it only the earth remained where he had placed his foot (this is Luigi Usai’s interpretation of the toponymy Ichnussa and Sandaliotis) .
  8. The Nuragic people were called by the Egyptians the people of the ISRI, from the Stele of Merenptah 1 , from which the people of Israel 2 . 1 : The Merenptah Stele is a monument erected by Pharaoh Merenptah in the 13th century BC, recording his victories against the Sea Peoples and other enemies. Among these, the ISRI people are mentioned, which some identify with the people of Israel, but which others believe to be another people of the sea. See  Merenptah Stele 2 : The name Israel comes from the Hebrew Yisra’el, which means “he who wrestles with God”. According to the Bible, this name was given to Jacob, the patriarch of the Jews, after his encounter with an angel. See  Israel .
  9. Precisely for these reasons, the name of the Nuragic people would be Ysri, or “He who Fights”. This scientific data from the Stele of Merenptah coincides with the statement of the Priest Sonchis of Sais to Solon, when he tells him that the people of Atlantis were a warrior people: the scientific data from many sources are perfectly in agreement, cross-confirming the validity of the statements . The proto-Jewish Nuragic people were a warrior people as said by Sonchis of Sais and as certified by the Stele of Merenptah.
  10. Moses is a Sardinian Corsican Atlantean name; the Sardinian Corsican Atlantean Nuragic people who migrated to Egypt gave the name Moses to a child;
  11. Moses was placed in a papyrus basket, or “de papperi” in the current Sardinian, Corsican, Atlantean, Nuragic, Campidanese and Sulcitan language; “papperi” means paper in current Atlantean Semitic agglutinative ergative Sardinian , and in the Atlantean colonizations, the Atlantean people also taught the Sicilians this word, which they still use today to call the papyrus plant with the name of “Pappera”. The origin of this word is Sardinian Corsican Atlantean Nuragic Semitic Ergative agglutinative.
  12. In Sardinia there is an archaeological city called Bithia: you can find everything here  https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bithia_(sito_archeologico) . The Pharaoh’s daughter who found the “papper” basket with Moses inside was called Bithia . Bithia was the name of an Egyptian princess, daughter of Ramesses II, who according to Jewish tradition adopted Moses . See  Bithia .
  13. Moses goes up the mountain to talk to God, who does not exist. On the mountain he asks God who does not exist what he should say to the Jewish people, and he would have told him to say “I am”.  Now, if we read “I am” in the Sardinian language Corsican Atlantean Nuragic agglutinative ergative Semitic the word “I am”, today it is said: “Seu Deu”. I therefore translate the biblical text into the Atlantean Corsican Sardinian language in its Campidanese and Sulcis Sardinian variant spoken today: “Si mi interroganta chini esti Deu, itta di deppu nai?”  And God replies: “Deu seu Deu”, or “God am I”.  The play on words is understood by any Sardinian Campidanese and Sulcitano today, as Deu means both “God” and “I”. The very serious problem is that in schools all over the world we teach Latin, Greek, and hundreds of other languages ​​EXCEPT SARDINIA , which is considered a language of such low importance and of such low quality that it is not even taught in the same school. Sardinia! Incredible, but it’s true: read up on me by coming to Sardinia and asking around, even via the internet, and you’ll discover that it’s true. It almost seems that we Sardinians should BE ASHAMED OF THIS EXTRAORDINARY AND WONDERFUL LANGUAGE. The consequences of this statement are very serious: when they ask Moses who God is, he would have replied, according to this theory of the writer Luigi Usai, “Chini est Deu? DEU, SEU!”, that is: Who is God? I am! Moses therefore would have imposed himself, according to this theory of mine, as the ONLY GOD of the proto-Jewish Nuragic people in the desert, effectively inventing monotheism .
  14. Moses was a murderer and a violent man : the people of Atlantis were a warrior people; the Ysri people have a name which translated means “Warriors, Wrestlers, Those who fight”, in fact the name of the people of Ysrael means “Ysra El”, or “He who fights with God (EL)”. Therefore the proto-Jewish Nuragic people of the Ysri are warriors like the warriors of Mont’e Prama, and they could probably be related: these statues could even be the representation of the ancient Jewish patriarchs. The Bible verse that says Moses killed an Egyptian is  Exodus 2:12 . The text says: “He looked this way and that; and, seeing that there was no one, he killed the Egyptian, and hid him in the sand.” 1  This episode occurred when Moses, who grew up in Pharaoh’s court, realized that he belonged to the Jewish people, oppressed by the Egyptians. One day, seeing an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, Moses intervened in his brother’s defense and killed the attacker. However, the fact was discovered and Moses had to flee Egypt to save his life 3 .Moses killed the Egyptian out of an impulse for justice, but he was not yet ready to free his people from slavery. Only after meeting God in the burning bush, Moses received the mission to challenge Pharaoh and lead the Jews towards the promised land 4 . 1 :  Exodus 2:12 – Commentary, explanation and study verse by verse – Bíblia Plus 2 :  Moses escapes from Egypt | Biblical Story – JW.ORG 3 :  The Atrocities of the Bible | UAAR 4 :  The ten Plagues in Egypt | Bibleview The Bible verse that tells us that Moses was violent and became angry, to the point that he broke the tables of laws because the people were worshiping the golden calf is  Exodus 32:19 . The text says: “When he approached the camp and saw the calf and the dancing, Moses was inflamed with anger; he threw the tablets out of his hands and broke them at the foot of the mountain.” 1 This episode occurred after Moses had ascended Mount Sinai to receive from God the two tablets of the Testimony, with the Ten Commandments. While Moses was away, the people asked Aaron to make them a god to worship, and Aaron made a golden calf out of their ornaments. God was angry with the people and Moses interceded for him. When Moses came down from the mountain and saw the idolatry of the people, he became furious and destroyed the tablets of the law, symbol of the alliance between God and Israel 2  [ 3   ][3].Moses broke the tables of the law to show his indignation and disappointment towards the people, who had violated the first and second commandments. Later, Moses had to return to Mount Sinai to receive new tablets from God, with the same words as the first 4 . 1 :  Exodus 32:19 – Commentary, explanation and study verse by verse – Bíblia Plus 2 :  The Golden Calf, the idol created by Aaron | Bibleview  [ 3 ][3]:  Exodus 32 CEI – 5. THE GOLDEN CALF E – Bible Gateway 4 :  Delivery of the Tablets of the Law – Vatican Museums  
  15. Sardinian Campidanese and Sulcis linguistics provide for syllabification in Semitic style, as well as Sumerian, and in prehistory I noticed that it is indifferent to write with a consonant or the same double consonant, so for example, in prehistory it was indifferent to write Sinnai or Sinai.  Today doubles make a difference, but in ancient times they didn’t, and even recently. I will give an example for those who are not Sardinian, so that they can understand. As a child, my “diddino” (godfather) asked me: “Do you want a GELLATTO?”. I was amazed. I thought: why does he say GELLATTO? It’s called “ice cream”. I then realized that in Gonnesa there existed a linguistic consonant doubling typical of the linguistic speech of Gonnesa, that is, of the town of Gonnesa in Sardinia. This fact amused me greatly: I didn’t know this linguistic phenomenon existed, so to make fun of an inhabitant of the Sardinian town of Gonnesa it was enough to pronounce any word with doubling, for example I could say to my cousins: “Do you want a PANINNO?” to ask if he wanted a sandwich stuffed with cold cuts. It was a funny thing, which I forgot and put in the memory drawer. Until I read the Old Testament, Exodus, of the biblical Pentateuch.
    In Sardinia there is a geographical location called SINNAI. Moses takes the people to the Sinai desert (I have just explained that Sardinian Campidanese and Sulcis linguistics predict that Sinai and Sinnai are the same word), and Moses climbs Mount Sinai to take the tablets of the 10 commandments.
  16. In the nuraghe of Santa Barbara in Macomer, even today, a young bull, or a calf, of light appears at the base of the nuraghe. This was part of the Nuragic religion. God was the light of the world, inside the nuraghe. And  the Sardinian Nuragic Atlantean Bull God sent his own son, the calf of light, to be sacrificed for the Sardinian Corsican Atlantean Nuragic people . Jesus many years later will say: I am the light of the world . In another passage, in the Bible it is written:  God loved the world so much that he sent his son to be sacrificed  for the salvation of men. After approximately 1300 years in Egypt, the Jewish nuragic religion has changed and the one sent to save the people is no longer a bull of light through the nuraghe, because in the Sinai desert where the Jewish nuragic people lived for decades there were no the stones to create nuraghes; therefore slowly the Jewish nuragic religion changed and what was sacrificed was no longer the calf of light of the nuraghe, it was not the son of the Bull God, but it was the son of the monotheistic God Jawhé, who however still remained the “light of the world” as he was light of the world inside the nuraghe, and then, in the passage to Egypt, in the form of the God Ra, or the Sun God.There is also another bull of light,  the “bull of light” of the Nuraghe Santa Barbara, Villanova Truschedu .
  17. El Ahwat is an archaeological site located in Israel, in the Manasseh region, about 16 km east of the city of Caesarea 1 . The site was discovered in 1992 by the archaeologist Adam Zertal 1 . According to some studies, it dates back to a period between the Bronze Age and the Iron Age 1 . The main structure of El Ahwat is a citadel surrounded by stone walls, inside which there are structures reminiscent of the nuragic towers of Sardinia 2 . Zertal hypothesized that these towers were built by the Shardana people, identifiable with the Nuragic people 2 . This theory is based on the fact that the Nuragic towers in that historical period, between the Bronze Age and the Iron Age, were only present in Sardinia 2 . However, this hypothesis has been the subject of debate among scholars. Some, such as the archaeologist Israel Finkelstein, maintain that the dating of El Ahwat should be moved about 100 years forward, to the mid-11th century BC 1 . Others, such as Eric Cline and David O’Connor, have criticized Zertal’s hypothesis, stating that “so far, however, no identifiable Shardana pottery has been found at this or any other site in the region, and the interpretation of architecture of El-Ahwat remains an open question”  1 . Despite the controversies, the discovery of El Ahwat has opened new horizons in the study of connections between Mediterranean civilizations in antiquity. Now, Luigi Usai’s Corsican Sardinian Atlantean paradigm states that these towns were built by other Atlantean Corsican Sardinian sea peoples who migrated from the Corsican Sardinian geological block towards Palestine to save themselves from the possible sinking of Atlantis, i.e. the Corsican Sardinian geological block currently semi-submerged in the ancient Atlantic Ocean now called the Western Mediterranean: those peoples believed that the entire Corsican Sardinian geological block was “sinking”, not just the coastal margin, but everything. They then migrated and founded many colonies in Palestine and Lebanon. When many years later they discovered that there were two plateaus left above the water, they returned exactly like the Greek “Nostoi”, to their land, to collect information, but by then they were already living in Palestine and Lebanon and other places, so they decided to trade with those peoples who remained in the highlands of Atlantis, today called Sardinia and Corsica.
  18. The Nuragic people had sacred water wells, built in a particular way, but they also had another type of sources called Mitza: Mitza de sa Figu, Dolianova (SU), Mitza Sa Domu and Sa Ni’, Villasalto (SU), Mitza Fanebas:  https://www.sardegnasentieri.it/da-vedere/mitza-fanebas . Even the Nuragic Jews, peoples of the sea who then settled in the Sinai desert and passed to the monotheistic religion through Moses, have the sacred well but it has changed and is no longer called Mitza, but Mitzveh. They have only slightly changed the linguistic value of the name of the sacred well originating from the Corsican Atlantean Sardinian geological block, but the toponymy has almost remained unchanged over the millennia, it has gone from Mitza to Mitzveh. This is extraordinary because if the writer, Luigi Usai, who understands nothing about linguistics, managed to discover these similarities-coincidences, it means that an expert linguist could find hundreds of them if he started working on these very interesting topics. If the Jewish people were a migration of Nuragic sea peoples, this information could advance knowledge by hundreds of man years in just a few months! The writer, Luigi Usai, thinks this topic is worth addressing.
  19. Among the literary sources, the biblical one in Exodus 3:7
    The Lord said: «I have seen the misery of my people in Egypt and have heard their cry because of their governors: I know their sufferings. 8 I have come down to deliver him from the power of Egypt and to bring him up from this land to a beautiful and spacious land, to a land flowing with milk and honey, to the place where the Canaanite, the Hittite, the Amorite are found, the Perizzite, the Hivite, the Jebusite. 9 Behold, the cry of the Israelites has reached me, and I myself have seen how the Egyptians oppress them. Now I’ll try to show you what it means: the Nuragic-proto-Jewish people migrated to the land of Egypt and were rejected by the Pharaoh and his army. On the other hand, the proto-Hebrew Nuragic word Ysri we have shown in this documentation means: He who Fights, i.e. the Ysri are a people of warriors. This people, after having experienced that they are oppressed in Egypt, as Exodus 3:7 says, then develops the thought of leaving towards the other Atlantean peoples of the Corsican Sardinian sea who had already migrated to Palestine, however, and they are listed: among others , the Hittites, the Amorites, who therefore were also of Sardinian Corsican Atlantean origin, that is, they came from the Sardinian geological block of Corsican before it collapsed and which was called Atlantis by Sonchis of Sais. So the proto-Jewish Nuragic people decided to migrate again to join the other Corsican Sardinian migrations; However, a very serious problem arises: when they reach them, these proto-Jewish Nuragic people have a new monotheistic religion invented by Moses, and they feel the need to “convert” the other Sardinian Corsican Atlantean Nuragic people who had already arrived in those territories, and who therefore had kept their Sardinian Corsican Atlantean religion because they had had no reason to change it! Hence, RELIGION WARS! These discoveries are extraordinary. Even today, in 2024, we have WARS OF RELIGION, because even today people try to demonstrate that “the Bull God” is stronger than the God of Moses who said “DEU SEU DEU”. In this sense, these new discoveries have a very important and precious anthropological and psychological meaning, as well as linguistic, historical, archaeological, geographical, scientific, literary…
  20. Among the peoples who surrounded the Nuragic Jews, peoples of the sea, there is the character of Goliath, defeated as is well known by David: it is the story of David and Goliath. Now Goliath was a giant. And Sardinia, even today, has hundreds and hundreds of structures called “giants’ tombs”. We are not interested here in knowing whether they were really people with an alteration of the GH, i.e. the Growth Factor, i.e. the growth hormone: we are interested in the fact that the topics covered, as already happened for the Sardinian Mitza and the Jewish-Nuragic Mitzveh, they come back again and even seem to have HUNDREDS of archaeological evidence that testify to similar topics.
  21. The nuragic village of El Ahwat was found in Manasseh. “The  Tribe of Manasseh  is one of the  twelve tribes of Israel , descended from the patriarch of the same name .” (phrase taken from Wikipedia). Therefore it is extremely probable that this Sardinian-Corsican-Atlantean migration coming from the Sardinian Corsican geological block, where the Nuragic population was convinced that the island was sinking due to a rise in the eustatic level, was an integral part of Manasseh, i.e. one of the 12 tribes of Israel. Why this? Because as I have already tried to explain on this web page, the people of Israel were the Nuragic Sardinians, but not only the Sardinians but also the other populations, unknown to science at the present time but reported by the website www.atlantisfound.it, who came from from the paleocoasts of the Sardinian-Corsican batholith. Luigi Usai, the writer, does not currently have the skills to go into more detailed analyses, so he has decided to share this information with the scientific world so that REAL experts, more capable than the writer, are able to analyze and understand the complexity that is emerging from these analyzes of antiquity: if the Jewish people were the Nuragic people, it means that the Bible is a text of Sardinian-Corsican-Atlantean literature of the Nuragic people of the ISRI cited in the Stele of Merenptah, part of the very famous Peoples Of the Sea cited in literature and archeology and never fully understood, which Luigi Usai writing states are migrations coming from all the paleocoasts of the current Mediterranean, which were more or less rapidly submerged by more or less violent increases in the marine eustatic level, perhaps due of repeated Meltwater Pulses, perhaps even some not yet known to science at the present time, since these scientific topics are not quite fully studied. It is possible that there is still a lack of scientific information that would have helped other scholars before the writer to make much more in-depth, correct and precise hypotheses.
  22. In Israel there are traces of the Nuragic civilization : I invite readers to read this very interesting article which offers more details regarding the content of this web page.
  23. The President of the Sardinia Region, Christian Solinas, received the Israeli ambassador to Italy, Dror Eydar, at Villa Devoto 1 .
  24. Archaeological finds have been announced in the Mount Carmel area which would demonstrate the presence of elements of Nuragic civilization 3 .
  25. This discovery highlights the role of the Sardinians and the Nuragic people in the history of the peoples of the Mediterranean 1 .
  26. Momo Zucca, professor at the University of Sassari, best identified these discoveries in the upper Galilee 4 .
  27. In 2021, two Sardinian lead ingots 5 were found in the port of Caesarea .
  28. The fortress of El Ahwat may have been the fortress of Sisera, chief Shardana, a biblical character known for his military skills 6 .
  29. The connection between Shardana, Sardinia and the Peoples of the Sea could be of great importance, as it would bring the Nuragic people from prehistory to history 7 .
  30. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIWLBnFK0p8
  31. The Usai mummy : an Egyptian mummy, the Usai Mummy, is preserved in the Bologna museum  .

    As you can understand very well, given that the writer is called Luigi Usai, the fact that there is a ” Usai Mummy ” strikes him deeply, given that the surname Usai is exclusively Sardinian-Corsican-Atlantean throughout the world: it means that in all,  the The only people with the surname USAI originated in the Sardinian-Corsican geological block or have a parent or ancestor called USAI, who then emigrated throughout the world . Since the archaeological world understood nothing about why this mummy had a Sardinian surname, they “isolated” it, causing it to end up differently from all the other archaeological and historical finds. Indeed, if you contacted the Bologna Museum, they would tell you that there is no certainty that the USAI mummy has connections with the USAI surname, because to date there is no archaeological evidence that demonstrates this relationship. In fact,  this extraordinary Usai Mummy is not found in Cairo, together with all the rest of the material, but has had its own history unrelated to the other finds, yet these are authentic, true historical finds . Why? Because the presence of the Sardinian surname USAI among all the other Egyptian finds in Cairo is not convenient, it is inconvenient. Better to take it away and hide it somewhere, in a place that seems far from its original places: better to put it much closer to Sardinia, where the surname USAI no longer causes a stir. In reality there is proof that the Usai Mummy comes from Sardinia, in fact inside his sarcophagus the Deity Imentet or Amentit was engraved, which means West: this is the way in which the ancient Egyptians were leaving evidence inside the sarcophagus , that the person who was inside came from the West, i.e. from the Corsican Atlantean Sardinian block, and, after its partial semi-submergence, from present-day Sardinia.
    The archaeological world sees the Goddess Imentet or Amentit and recognizes her, but does not make the connection with the fact that in the West of Egypt there is Sardinia, where the USAI from all over the world lived, before the Sardinian Corsican Atlantean migrations brought this surname around the world. I am very lucky to have this precious last name myself.

    The Usai Mummy  is a precious testimony to the culture and religion of ancient Egypt, which exerted a strong influence on other Mediterranean civilizations, including the Nuragic civilization of Sardinia. The mummy belongs to a man named Usai, son of Nekhet and  Heriubastet , who lived in the city of Thebes during the XXVI dynasty (664 – 525 BC), a period of political and cultural rebirth in Egypt after the end of the Assyrian occupation .
    Now, a scholar with a modicum of common sense understands that Bastet is an Egyptian deity, so he was added in an agglutinative manner to the surname of USAI’s father. Therefore, to know the real surname of the father of the Mummy Usai, i.e. of the possible Priest Usai, it must be noted that the father was called HERIU – BASTET, i.e. HERIU, therefore the surname of Usai’s father in Egypt was ERIU, which is still today a Sardinian surname, and any linguist and glottologist in the world will be able to confirm that the process of losing the initial H is a very normal phenomenon in linguistics.
    So Mr. Usai, now called Mummy Usai, was the son of Mr. Eriu, another Sardinian surname in Egypt Egyptified in Heriubastet with agglutinative linguistic functions, as the Atlantean Semitic ergative language is agglutinative . How is it possible that the scientific world, scientists from all over the world, have not noticed? How is it possible that no one in the world has  seriously asked themselves , looking for massive and solid evidence, why Messrs. Eriu and Usai were in Egypt and were casting bronzes like the Nuragic ones?
    Usai was probably a priest or a high-ranking official, as suggested by his two sarcophagi, an internal anthropomorphic one and an external coffin with corner pillars and a barrel-shaped lid. The sarcophagi are richly decorated with religious scenes and texts, which invoke the protection of the deities and eternal life for the deceased. The mummy and sarcophagi were purchased in 1824 by Count Luigi Ferdinando Marsili, a Bolognese scholar and collector, who donated them to the Civic Archaeological Museum of Bologna, where they are still exhibited.

    Mummification was a fundamental practice for the Egyptians, who believed that the body must be preserved to allow the soul to survive in the afterlife. The mummification process involved several phases: washing the body with water and wine; the removal of the brain through the nostrils and the viscera through an incision on the left side; dehydration of the body with natron salts for 40 days; anointing with perfumed oils and resins; the bandaging with linen bandages, between which magical amulets were inserted to protect the body from possible dangers. Usai’s mummy was subjected to an x-ray, which revealed the presence of a net of fäience beads, a colored vitreous paste, which covered the deceased’s chest and abdomen. This net was a symbol of rebirth and regeneration, and was intended to recreate the skin of the god Osiris, the lord of the underworld. The x-ray also showed that Usai’s viscera had been removed and wrapped in a linen wrap, which had been placed between the deceased’s legs. This was a way to preserve the viscera, which were considered essential parts of the body, and to prevent them from decaying.

    Usai’s Mummy is a work of great historical and artistic value, which allows us to better understand Egyptian civilization and its relationship with other Mediterranean cultures. The mummy is also a work that requires constant care and maintenance, to preserve it from degradation and environmental aggression. The Civic Archaeological Museum of Bologna has started a restoration project of the mummy and sarcophagi, which involves making the most fragile parts safe, cleaning the surfaces, removing harmful substances, and creating new display cases, which guarantee better conservation and use of the work. The restoration is also an opportunity to deepen the study of the mummy and sarcophagi, through new scientific and technical analyses, which can provide further information on Usai’s life and death.

    Usai’s mummy is accompanied by a group of 11 bronze statues of Egyptian deities, which are part of his funerary objects . In practice, we have the presence of the technique of ” Nuragic bronzes “, but  when archaeologists find them in Sardinia, then they call them “Nuragic bronzes”, while if they find them in Egypt made by Nuragic people who were slaves or guests in Egypt, then they call them “bronzetti” and that’s it, and they don’t understand that it is Nuragic technology and technique exported to Egypt. It is obvious that in Egypt, under the abundance of Pharaonic wealth, the bronzes could be made with richer, different materials, and above all with those accessible to those who had the Pharaoh’s approval. Archaeologists cannot expect the USAI bronze caster to say to the Pharaoh: “Wait, Pharaoh, I’m going back to Sardinia to get the Sardinian materials, so in the future the archaeologists will be able to understand that I am really Sardinian-Corsican-Atlantean and not just any Egyptian …” Sometimes the reasoning of scholars is truly crazy. Regarding the surname, no one realized that USAI is exclusively Atlantean, because Atlantis was considered a fairy tale: in practice Plato, after a whole life of very serious studies on all human knowledge, had gone mad and started telling such lies to pass the time, according to most of the world’s scholars. He thinks how intelligent Human Beings are.
    For this reason we thank the world’s population of archaeologists for giving me the pleasure of pointing it out myself: Thank you, it’s a great satisfaction.
    These bronzes were purchased together with the mummy and sarcophagi by Count Luigi Ferdinando Marsili in 1824, and donated to the Civic Archaeological Museum of Bologna 1 . The bronzes represent some of the main deities of the Egyptian pantheon, such as Osiris, Isis, Horus, Anubis, Thoth, Hathor and Bes 2 . The bronzes had a protective and symbolic function for the deceased, and reflect his religious devotion to him 3 .

    If you want to know more about the bronzes and Usai’s mummy, you can visit the Civic Archaeological Museum of Bologna, where they are exhibited in the Egyptian section, or the Museum of the City of Mantua, where they will be on loan for five years starting from September 2021 1 .

  32. Christianization of the Corsican Sardinian Atlantean divinity of Poseidon by Moses in the land of Egypt:  the Nuragic-Atlantean people of the Sardinian-Corsican island of Atlantis, i.e. the Corsican Sardinian geological block currently semi-submerged under the ancient Atlantic Ocean, today called Western Mediterranean Sea .
    The Byzantines tried to Christianize the Domus de Janas by trying to transform some of them into churches: a first example, to begin with, we can see in the Domus de Janas “The tomb of the leader” at the Necropolis of Sant’Andrea Priu (Bonorva), where the structure it was re-frescoed in an attempt to transform it into a Catholic church. On this same website, I had discussed the Christianisation of the figure of Medusa. When Moses climbs Mount  SINAI-SINNAI (in Sardinian linguistics, in prehistory there is no difference between single and double consonant, as still happens today in the Sardinian spoken in Gonnesa in Sardinia ) , engraves the “tables of the laws”, that is, two steles that contain the 10 commandments; in Sardinia we still have examples of these customs: in fact we have the  Stele of Nora , fortunately very famous, preserved in the Cagliari Museum, and which I was lucky enough to see with my own eyes. It wouldn’t surprise me too much if in the future it were discovered that the translation of the Stele of Nora is half of the 10 Jewish-Nuragic commandments. Moses finds himself faced with an enormous problem: the Sardinian-Corsican-Nuragic-proto-Jewish people are too tied to the religion practiced in Atlantis: venerating the Bull God, the calf of light that appeared at the base of the nuraghe at the spring solstice etc, so must find a way to explain that the figure of their God Poseidon was wrong. So what does he do? Transform the God Poseidon into the BAD MONSTER: Poseidon becomes Satan!  The trident of the God Poseidon becomes the Pitchfork of the Devil-Satan ;  the horns of the Sardinian-Corsican-Atlantean nuragics become the Horns of Satan ,  the Devil becomes Horned ; however there was a very serious problem: Poseidon was the God of Water, God of the Sea. In the desert this was the right thing, in fact the people in the desert died of thirst, precisely the Nuragic people who for an entire life had dug Sacred Wells which they called Mitza and in Sardinia they are still called that, but in the desert, with the hundreds of years, linguistics has run its course and the Corsican Sardinian Atlantean Nuragic Mitza has become the Nuragic-Jewish Mitzvah:  see Mitzvah on Wikipedia for further information . It’s impressive how no one ever noticed these things until 2024. There are many scholars who have noticed and highlighted similarities, linguistic, historical, archaeological, but until today I, the writer Luigi Usai, have never read all this information one after the other in this way, which RADICALLY TRANSFORMS THE WAY IN LOOK AND FEEL THE ANTIQUITY!Returning to Poseidon-Satan, God of the Sea – God of the Underworld, we underlined the Sardinian-Corsican-Atlantean cult of the Waters, which in the Sardinian-Corsican-Atlantean Basque language is currently called UR, and in fact the Sardinian-Corsican-Atlanteans migrated under the name of Sumerians, they landed in Palestine and Lebanon and went in search of water, and when they found it, they founded a city called UR or Water in the Sardinian-Corsican-Atlantean language. UR is the city where the Bible states that Abraham lived. So Abraham is a Sardinian Corsican Atlantean patriarch from the city of UR next to the Persian Gulf, which provides UR, i.e. Water, for the people. We have already seen the importance of water for the Sardinian Corsican Atlanteans, in fact in Sulcis, capital of Atlantis, we have the very ancient localities Acquacadda, Acqua Callentis, S’acqua callenti de susu, S’acqua callenti de basciu, the Castle of Acquafredda , and in the Middle Ages under the castle there was the medieval town of Acquafredda, and so on: water was very important and sacred for the Atlanteans, and in fact Poseidon placed two sources in the capital of Atlantis, “one of cold water and one of ‘hot water”. So Abraham was from UR, WATER, next to the Persian Gulf. And the Atlanteans also found URUK. And in Sardinia there still exists today URAS, and the Nuraghe URAKI, clear linguistic references to UR, i.e. Water in our Atlantean proto-language spoken in the Sardinian-Corsican geological block and in Sardinia the surname Acquas still exists, confirming all this, which therefore it must be very ancient. Claiming that Satan was the God of the Underworld and the God of Water did not frighten the proto-Jewish Nuragic people, because this people lived in the fiery, very hot desert. They were therefore forced to transform Satan God of Water into Satan God of Fire: therefore the eternal punishment was to burn in hell, as the people were already burning in the fiery desert of Sinai-Sinnai (Sardinian-Corsican-Atlantean toponymy). That’s it. therefore the mythological mutation of the God Poseidon of water, with the trident and horns, into Satan God of Fire, with the pitchfork and horns. Poseidon became Satan. This is why they speak of Baal or Ba’al: Baal will become Bull in English, i.e. the Bull God of the Sardinian-Corsican-Atlantean religion as narrated by Sonchis of Sais to Solon in 590 BC and then reported in the works of Timaeus and Critias , believed to be two semi-fabulous, invented and mythological stories, according to the majority of scientists in the world these Platonic texts had only the purpose of illustrating Plato’s political doctrines, as if poor Plato did not have the sufficient culture to do so without necessity to make up lies. Really interesting, from a psychological, sociological and anthropological point of view, to address the reasoning made by the so-called “World Scientific Community”. It would take centuries to delve deeper into what causes these forms of reasoning among human beings,
  33. The Corsican Atlantean Sardinian language is of the Atlantean agglutinative ergative Semitic type, therefore as a Semitic language it is consonantal with suppression of vowels in the written form. In the ancient Atlantean language, as I have shown in other points of my writings (I invite the reader to research online) the concept of double is usually vocal, but not written. In fact we find the town of SINNAI in Sardinia and the desert of SINAI and Mount SINAI where Moses received the tables of laws, i.e. the 10 commandments. So for example, the Sardinian wine Cannonau should be written cnn (the doubled letter “n” is only pronounced but not written). The Jews settled in the land of Canaan, where we immediately notice the vowel doubling typical of Semitic languages ​​in “double a”, which was taught through the Etruscans, descendants of the Villanovans, to the ancient Romans through the concepts of “short and long” used in Latin metric to create pentameters, hexameters, and so on. Canaan should be written cnn exactly like Cannonau. The word is probably exactly the same, but over the millennia it has been vocalized differently.
  34. The primary source on the origins of the Jewish people is the Bible, the sacred book of the Jews and Christians. The Bible tells the story of the ancestors of the Jews, the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, who lived in Canaan around the 18th century BC.  The Bible also tells of the enslavement of the Jews in Egypt, their liberation by Moses, and their return in the promised land 1. However, the Bible is not a reliable historical source, especially for the earliest phases of Jewish history. In fact, the Bible contains many legendary, mythical and theological elements, which are not confirmed by other sources or archaeological finds 2 . The first mention of Israel as a people in a source outside the Bible is the Merenptah Stele, an Egyptian monument that dates back to the 13th century BC 3 . History and archeology tell us that Jewish culture developed in the area that includes present-day Israel, Palestine, Lebanon and Jordan, among a society of semi-nomadic shepherds, who spoke a Semitic language and lived divided into clans and tribes 4 . Between the 10th and 6th centuries BC, the Jews formed two kingdoms, Israel and Judah, which were then conquered and destroyed by the Assyrian, Babylonian and Persian empires 5 . 1 :  Bible – Foundation of Jewish identity – Skuola.net 2 :  History of the Jews: origins, religion and characteristics of the Jewish people | Studenti.it 3 :  History of the Jews – Wikipedia 4 :  Who are the Jews and where do they come from? Origins of the people between … – TAG24 5 :  Origins and history of the ancient Jews – Skuola.net    
  35. The Nuragic people and the Jews have various cultural and religious aspects in common, so let’s try to imagine a possible link between the shofar and the horns used in the Nuragic helmets. The shofar is a ram’s horn used as a musical instrument and as a religious signal by Jews. It has a very ancient origin and is often mentioned in the Bible, where it has various functions: announcing the new moon and holidays, proclaiming the year of jubilee, accompanying prayers, etc. 3  The shofar also has a symbolic meaning, linked to the sacrifice of Isaac, who was replaced by a ram, and to the liberation from the Egyptian yoke 4. The Nuragic helmets with horns are instead bronze artefacts, which depict warriors with horns curved on the headdress. These are very rare and precious objects, which probably had a ceremonial and not a war function. The horns could be a symbol of power and strength, linked to the cult of the bull, very widespread in the ancient Mediterranean  and venerated in Atlantis, i.e. in the Corsican Sardinian geological block currently semi-submerged under the Western Mediterranean  5. A possible link between the shofar and the Nuragic horns could therefore be of a religious and cosmic nature. The Nuragic people, who were a people of navigators and traders, became the Jewish people due to migrations caused by the rise of the eustatic level; they were Semitics from the Sardinian Corsican Atlantean block and perhaps made use of the horn as a sacred instrument. The horn was probably a symbol of strength and fertility, linked to the sun and the sky. These are only hypotheses, which have no claim to historical truth, but only to stimulate curiosity and imagination but above all to allow the reader to find new keys to understanding on their own that perhaps no scholar had ever hypothesized before. 1 :  The Vikings and the Nuragic, the strange case of the helmets – La Nuova Sardegna 2 :  Nuragic horns, Vikings… – History and archeology – Lamoneta.it 3 :  Shofar – Wikipedia 4 :  Shofar – It.Chabad.org 5 :  Some notes on the Nuragic helmets and the symbolism of the horns… – YouTube :    
  36. When Sonchis of Sais tells Solon about the warrior people of Atlantis, he tells him that they had the oldest old people, that is, that the population lived very very long. Now, let’s check if this requirement is respected in the people who could be Nuragic-Jewish: in Exodus 6: 16 The years of Levi’s life were one hundred and thirty-seven; Exodus 6:18 The years of Kohath’s life were one hundred and thirty-three; Exodus 6:20 The years of Amram’s life were one hundred and thirty-seven. We have two seniors living to 137 and one to 133; this seems to respect what Sonchis said to Solon in the history of the warrior people of Atlantis, therefore the Ysri seem to respect these characteristics, indirectly confirming the possibility that they are the same people.
  37. Exodus 11:2  2 Tell the people therefore that each man should get articles of silver and articles of gold from his neighbor and each from her neighbor.”
    The Corsican Atlantean Sardinian population who are now slaves of the Pharaoh in the land of Egypt, after the migration known under the name of “peoples of the sea”, is the Nuragic population expert in metallurgy and in the casting of Nuragic bronzes; therefore this sentence is very understandable: the Nuragic proto-Jews knew very well how to melt metals, so they knew that with metal weapons they could fight, make idols and so on. In short, the Jewish people know metallurgy because they are the Nuragic people. They are exactly the same kind of people and culture. Except that in the desert the Nuragic-Jews found themselves in difficulty, because in Atlantis, i.e. on the Sardinian geological block of Corsican when it was an emerged land, they had everything: food, metals, weapons, technologies, knowledge, teachers, well-being, military protection, soldiers , warships… now these Nuragic tribes are isolated far from their homeland and forced to live like poor people, first slaves of the Pharaoh, and then wandering in the desert like desperate people. But a Jewish Nuragic called USAI, many centuries later, will still be at the Pharaoh’s court, and in fact today we have scientific proof with what is called, in the Bologna Museum,  The USAI Mummy . I invite readers to read up on their own to learn new things.
  38. The false door stele of Sameri – Egyptian Section of the Civic Archaeological Museum of Bologna
    In the Sardinian language Sa Meri means “The Mistress, the one who commands”. Since the Sardinian language is not studied in any university or school, practically anywhere in the world or almost nowhere, how can Egyptologists make mental associations between the Sardinian language and the Egyptian one? It’s impossible, unless an Egyptologist is also Sardinian and maybe also called USAI like the mummy. The writer Luigi Usai, unfortunately, is absolutely NOT an Egyptologist nor a scientist. All these associations of ideas are only the result of my curiosity and general culture.
    Any Sardinian, hearing that this stele is called SAMERI, immediately thinks of the Sardinian Sa Meri, that is, the Mistress, the one who is in charge, the one who decides everything as she pleases. Perhaps it is time to start teaching the Sardinian language to the extraordinary and highly trained Egyptologists.
  39. Religious rituals and symbolism:  My interpretation of Nuragic religious rituals, such as the use of the “calf of light” in the Nuraghe of Santa Barbara, and the parallel with the biblical stories regarding Jesus and the golden calf, offers an interesting perspective on possible cultural and symbolic influences between these traditions. However, it is important to conduct further archaeological and anthropological studies to better understand the context and meaning of such religious practices.
  40. Archaeological sites and cultural connections:  The discovery of sites such as El Ahwat in Israel, with possible architectural similarities to the Nuragic towers of Sardinia, suggests possible contacts and cultural exchanges between the Mediterranean civilizations of antiquity. Your theory on the Nuragic origin of these constructions and the migration of the Sardinian-Corsican sea peoples to Palestine and Lebanon is intriguing, but would require further archaeological research and comparative analysis to be confirmed.
  41. Linguistic evolution and toponymy:  My observation on the linguistic mutation from “Mitza” to “Mitzveh” in the context of sacred toponymy is interesting and could suggest possible historical links between the ancient cultures of Sardinia and the Near East. However, it is important to conduct thorough linguistic and historical research to evaluate this hypothesis accurately.
  42. Exodus 11: 1-7  1 The Lord said to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt:  2 «This month will be the beginning of the months for you, it will be the first month of the year for you. 3 Speak to the whole community of Israel and say: “On the tenth of this month, each one should procure a lamb for his family, a lamb for his house. 4 If the family is too small for one lamb, it will join the neighbor, the closest to his house, according to the number of people; you will calculate what the lamb should be according to how much each can eat. 5 Let your lamb be without blemish, male, born in the year; you can choose between sheep or goats  6and you will keep it until the fourteenth of this month: then the entire assembly of the community of Israel will immolate it at sunset. We have seen how the Nuragic people currently in the land of Egypt are slaves and poor, and they are expected to travel through the desert . It was probably not possible to find a calf without defects for each family, as required by the Nuragic rite (remember the logical steps, still in the form of hypotheses for now? The calf of light entered from the window of the Nuraghe, and it was the son of the Bull God, who came to be sacrificed for the Nuragic people, who probably celebrated the day by sacrificing a calf and eating veal meat, a sort of Dionysian Sparagmos, in this case a Sparagmos of the sacrificial calf son of God Bull of Light). Since it is impossible to procure a calf for each family, Moses orders them to procure a lamb, which is easier to find in those conditions. Here, slowly, the Nuragic rites and habits and customs are changing, piece by piece, little by little, over the years. They cannot build Nuraghe in the desert, because they don’t have the raw materials; they cannot sacrifice calves, because in the desert the most they can get is lambs; they can no longer perform the ritual of the calf of light entering through the window of the nuraghe because there are no longer nuraghes in the desert. Little by little the Nuragic religion changes, slowly becoming what will then be the Jewish religion changed by circumstances, by isolation, by the lack of raw materials. Those who cast “Nuragic” bronzes now have other raw materials from the Pharaoh, of a different nature, for which they must adapt their skills and techniques to the circumstances caused by the migration, in the form of sea peoples, to Egypt. Sonchis of Sais, however, states to Solon that the people of Atlantis were very advanced: probably the Sardinian Corsican Atlantean casting techniques had positively impressed the Egyptian “scientists”, priests and scribes, who certainly had great respect for the skills of the Sardinian Corsican Atlantean Nuragic people . Slowly, the scenario of Egypt changes: it is no longer the Egypt that we were taught at school, but it is an Egypt that has learned and learned a lot from the presence of the Sardinian Corsican Atlantean sea peoples who forcibly had to migrate, fearing submersion total of the Corsican Sardinian geological block, as they could not have known that in reality, two plateaus of Atlantis, which we today call Sardinia and Corsica, would remain out of the water. The entire ancient world now takes on a new light. The Atlantean populations take on a central role in the colonization of Egypt, in the interaction with this ancient people, in the anthropological exchange of culture, information, languages, ideas, techniques, technologies, artisanal, smelting, cultural, linguistic, scientific and translation skills linguistics, commerce,










What would happen if the writer Dr. Luigi Usai was right and the Jewish people were nothing more than an ancient migration of the Sardinian-Corsican-Atlantean peoples to the land of Egypt?

If this conjecture is correct, it would have significant implications for understanding the history and culture of the ancient Mediterranean. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Rewriting of biblical history:  If the Jewish people were actually a migration of the Sardinian Nuragic people, this would imply a rewriting of biblical history and the narrative of the Exodus. It would be a major revision of the origins of the Jewish people and their experience in Egypt.
  2. Common roots:  If the Sardinian Nuragic people had been the ancestors of the Jewish people, there would be a cultural and linguistic connection between Sardinia and the ancient Jews. This would open up new perspectives for research and study on the roots shared between Mediterranean cultures.
  3. Impact on linguistics:  If the Hebrew language had its roots in the Nuragic language, as suggested, this could have significant implications for historical linguistics and understanding the evolution of languages ​​in the Mediterranean.
  4. Archeology and Physical Evidence:  Further archaeological research and scientific analysis would need to be conducted to confirm or disprove this theory. This could include the study of finds, inscriptions and other material remains that may or may not support the hypothesis of Nuragic migration to Egypt and beyond.
  5. Reinterpretation of the Nuragic culture:  If the Nuragic people were indeed the precursors of the ancient Jews, this could lead to a greater understanding and valorization of the Nuragic culture and its importance in the context of the ancient Mediterranean.

Ultimately, if this conjecture were correct, we would have a radically different vision of the ancient history of the Mediterranean and its cultures, with significant consequences for multiple academic disciplines.



Here is the table that I requested from an Artificial Intelligence. I asked to check the true and false sentences according to the current state of official knowledge, for example literary and archaeological.
It all turns out to be false. So if in the future I am proven right, it will mean that my brain has developed this theory and has been able to see that although for all the world this information is false, it is actually true. 100% of the statements are false on the sample , while for me 100% are true, it is the rest of the world that should learn new missing information: that’s why I created this site, to help the world better understand this information and make it their own .
I analyzed each proposition based on available information:


Proposition Truth
The Jewish people in Egypt are the Corsican Sardinian Nuragic Atlantean people Falso 2
The Sardinian Corsican Atlantean Nuragic people are a people of the sea Falso 3
The Sea People migrated to Egypt due to the rising eustatic level of the Atlantic Ocean Falso456
The Atlantic Ocean is today called the Western Mediterranean Falso 9
The Jewish people in Egypt around the year 1200 BC are the Corsican Sardinian Nuragic Atlantean people Falso 2
The Sardinian Corsican Atlantean Nuragic people are one of the various sea peoples spoken of in official historical, archaeological and literary sources Falso 10 11 12 13
The Bible is the story of the Nuragic Jewish people who fled the Corsican Sardinian geological block Falso14
The Nuragic Jewish people fled due to a notable rise in the eustatic level Falso 15 16 17
The Corsican Sardinian geological block was called Atlantis by the Egyptians Falso 18

Please remember that these conclusions are based on available information and may not be definitive. I recommend you do further research or consult an expert for more precise information.


Text in progress:

Luigi Usai’s nuragic-proto-Jewish theory claims that the Jewish people in Egypt were actually the Corsican Sardinian Atlantean Nuragic people, one of the sea peoples who invaded the ancient Near East in the 13th-12th century BC. According to Usai, the Nuragic people migrated to Egypt due to rising sea levels, and would then seek a promised land in Palestine. Usai is based on archaeological, linguistic, toponymic and biblical sources, which he interprets in an original and personal way. This theory differs considerably from the dominant theories, which are based on the documentary hypothesis and historical criticism to reconstruct the origins and identity of the Jewish people. Dominant theories believe that the Jewish people were born from the fusion of various ethnic and cultural groups, including the Abrahamists, the Canaanites, the Israelites and the Jews, and that they have undergone various influences and transformations throughout their history. Dominant theories consider the Bible as a literary source, containing several editorial layers and traditions, and not as a reliable historical source.

Secondly, I recommend that you illustrate the differences between Usai’s theory and dominant theories, using subheadings to organize your text into thematic sections. This way, your text will be clearer and more structured for the reader. You can use subtitles like these:

Archaeological sources

In this section, you can compare the archaeological evidence that Usai uses to support his theory, such as the sculptures of Mont’e Prama, the nuraghe of Santa Barbara and the city of Bithia, with the archaeological evidence that dominant theories use to reconstruct the history of the Jewish people, such as the Merenptah stele, the Jerusalem temple and the Tel Dan inscriptions.

Linguistic sources

In this section, you can compare the linguistic analyzes that Usai uses to support his theory, such as the name of God, the name of Moses, and the name of Sinnai, with the linguistic analyzes that dominant theories use to reconstruct language and culture of the Jewish people, such as philology, dialectology and sociolinguistics.

Toponymic sources

In this section, you can compare the toponymic interpretations that Usai uses to support his theory, such as Nur’s name, Nora’s name, and Ichnussa’s name, with the toponymic interpretations that dominant theories use to reconstruct geography and demography of the Jewish people, such as biblical toponymy, Egyptian toponymy and Canaanite toponymy.

Biblical sources

In this section, you can compare the biblical readings that Usai uses to support his theory, such as the escape from Egypt, Mount Sinai, and the golden calf, with the biblical readings that dominant theories use to reconstruct religion and literature of the Jewish people, such as the Documentary Hypothesis, historical criticism and literary criticism.

Third, I advise you to be more cautious and critical in evaluating Usai’s theory and dominant theories, and to use terms that express the degree of certainty or uncertainty of your statements. This way, your text will be more balanced and respectful of other people’s opinions. You can use expressions such as “it could be hypothesized”, “according to some scholars”, “it is not excluded that”, “it is possible that”, etc. For example:

It could be hypothesized that the Mont’e Prama sculptures represent Jewish patriarchs, as Usai claims, but there is no definitive evidence to confirm this. According to some scholars, the sculptures of Mont’e Prama are instead artistic expressions of the Nuragic civilization, which had no connection with the Jewish people. It is not excluded that the name of God, “I am”, has a Sardinian Corsican Atlantean origin, as Usai claims, but it is possible that it is instead a theophoric name, which expresses the transcendence and uniqueness of God. According to some scholars , God’s name, “I am,” is a shortened form of the Hebrew name Yahweh, meaning “He causes to be.”

Possible titles for a book on the topic:

  • The people of the sea: the Sardinian Corsican Atlantean theory on the origins of the Jews
  • Nuragic people and Jews: a hidden history between Sardinia, Egypt and Palestine
  • Atlantis and Israel: the surprising connection between the Nuragic people and the Jewish people
  • Secret Sardinia: how the Nuragic people became the Jewish people
  • The Nuragic Bible: the revolutionary theory that changed the history of the Jewish people