• Mar. Mar 4th, 2025

Atlantis is real: Official discovery of Atlantis, language and migrations

Atlantis is the Sardo Corso Graben Horst underwater continental block submerged by the Meltwater Pulses and destroyed by a subduction zone, Capital is Sulcis

Mese: Agosto 2024

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  • Scientific evidence of the existence of semi-submerged Sardinian Atlantis in the ancient Atlantic Ocean now called the Western Mediterranean.

Versione 645 Il ritrovamento di Atlantide, chiamata anche Haou-Nebout, Meropide, Cyrneichnusa, Aztlán, Babilonia la Grande, Nibiru, Tirrenide e blocco geologico sardo-corso

Atlantide è il blocco geologico sardo corso semi-sommerso, ossia Haou-Nebout, ossia Meropide, CyrneIchnusa: si può vedere perfettamente misurando il blocco…

Version 644 Die Entdeckung von Atlantis, auch Haou-Nebout, Meropis, Cyrneichnusa, Aztlán, Babylon die Große, Nibiru, Tyrrhenischer und sardisch-korsischer geologischer Block genannt

Atlantis ist der halb überflutete geologische Block Korsikas-Sardiniens, d. h. Haou-Nebout, d. h. Meropis, CyrneIchnusa : Man kann ihn perfekt…