• Gio. Mar 6th, 2025

Atlantis is real: Official discovery of Atlantis, language and migrations

Atlantis is the Sardo Corso Graben Horst underwater continental block submerged by the Meltwater Pulses and destroyed by a subduction zone, Capital is Sulcis

Articoli di Luigi Usai su Harvard: ritrovamento delle Amazzoni; origine nuragica del popolo protoebraico


Set 5, 2024
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Ritrovamento ufficiale del popolo femminile guerriero delle Amazzoni

Location of the mythological Amazon warrior women people in Atlantis and the Caucasus

Version 1.0

Usai, Luigi, 2024, “Location of the mythological Amazon warrior women people in Atlantis and the Caucasus”, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CHS6TW, Harvard Dataverse, V1



Religious Parallels between Nuragic, Proto-Jewish, Jewish and Christian Traditions: A Comparative Analysis

Version 1.0

Usai, Luigi, 2024, “Religious Parallels between Nuragic, Proto-Jewish, Jewish and Christian Traditions: A Comparative Analysis”, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QMBVXU, Harvard Dataverse, V1



Archivi di Luigi Usai su Harvard:


Sep 4, 2024

This dataverse presents a groundbreaking shift in the scientific understanding of ancient history, centering around the discovery of Atlantis in the Western Mediterranean. The papers compiled herein demonstrate that the Sardinian-Corsican geological block, identified as the remna…

Sep 4, 2024

Usai, Luigi, 2024, “Religious Parallels between Nuragic, Proto-Jewish, Jewish and Christian Traditions: A Comparative Analysis”, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QMBVXU, Harvard Dataverse, V1

… Religious Parallels between Nuragic, Proto-Jewish, Jewish and Christian Traditions: A Comparative Analysis, italian version This paper explores the parallels between Nuragic, Proto-Jewish, Jewish and Christian religion, with a particular focus on the cult of the “Bull of Light” and the figure of Jesus Christ as the “Light of the World”. The analysis draws on archaeological evidence and ancient texts, as well as the recent publication by Luigi Usai, to offer an integrated vision of the connections and transformations of religious symbolisms through the ages. The paper aims to examine how the Nuragic cult of the bull and the tradition of the golden calf can reflect a cultural and symbolic continuity, arriving at the hypothesis that the Proto-Jewish people are a Nuragic migration to Egypt, mixed with the local populations, thus mutating to become what will later be recognized as the Jewish people; in addition to the presence of the Sardinian population in Egypt, there is an Egyptian population and contacts in Sardinia, increasing the credibility of these hypotheses. …

Author Name: Usai, Luigi
Depositor: Usai, Luigi
Point of Contact Name: Usai, Luigi

Sep 5, 2024

Usai, Luigi, 2024, “Indo-European as a Linguistic Construct: A Revision of the Atlantean Linguistic Origins of the Corsican Sardinian Block and the Diffusion of Post-Atlantean Languages in Europe and the Mediterranean”, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/H7UCOV, Harvard Dataverse, V1

… The theory of Indo-European has been accepted for centuries as the basis of numerous European and Asian languages. However, new historical and archaeological evidence (Usai, 2021-2024) suggests that this theory may have been a construct developed to explain linguistic similarities between populations that, in reality, share a common origin: the Sardinian-Corsican geological block, part of the ancient emerged land of Atlantis. …

Author Name: Usai, Luigi
Depositor: Usai, Luigi
Notes: This Harvard Dataverse presents the Sardinian-Corsican Atlantidean Paradigm, demonstrating a scientific paradigm shift led by Dr. Luigi Usai. Usai’s innovative works claim to prove the existence of Atlantis in the center of the prehistoric Atlantic Ocean, now recognized as the Western Mediterranean. His papers detail this groundbreaking discovery, offering evidence that redefines ancient history and the origins of Mediterranean civilizations, positioning the Sardinian-Corsican geological block as the remnants of the legendary Atlantis.
Point of Contact Name: Usai, Luigi

Sep 4, 2024

Usai, Luigi, 2024, “Location of the mythological Amazon warrior women people in Atlantis and the Caucasus”, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/CHS6TW, Harvard Dataverse, V1

This interdisciplinary study examines the possibility that the mythological people of the Amazons had their origins in the legendary Atlantis, identified with the Sardinian-Corsican block, as described in Plato’s dialogues. Subsequently, the myth of the Amazons could have moved t…

Author Name: Usai, Luigi
Depositor: Usai, Luigi
Point of Contact Name: Usai, Luigi