• Gio. Mar 6th, 2025

Atlantis is real: Official discovery of Atlantis, language and migrations

Atlantis is the Sardo Corso Graben Horst underwater continental block submerged by the Meltwater Pulses and destroyed by a subduction zone, Capital is Sulcis

Preuves scientifiques de l'existence de l'île légendaire d'Atlantis sur le bloc sarde-corse engloutiPreuves scientifiques de l'existence de l'île légendaire d'Atlantis sur le bloc sarde-corse englouti
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Published September 8, 2024 | Version v15
Dissertation  Open

Atlantide è il blocco geologico sardo corso semisommerso nell’antico Oceano Atlantico, oggi chiamato Mediterraneo Occidentale



Questo articolo esplora l’ipotesi che la Sardegna e la Corsica, note storicamente per essere parte del blocco geologico sardo-corso molto ben studiato e conosciuto dalla geologia ufficiale, possano essere identificate insieme alle loro piattaforme continentali sommerse come l’Atlantide di Platone citate nei due dialoghi platonici di Timeo e Crizia. Partendo dall’analisi delle affermazioni di Erodoto riguardanti la Libia e l’Asia, proponiamo che questi termini antichi possano effettivamente riferirsi rispettivamente alla Sardegna e alla Corsica, come segnalato in un altro paper. Inoltre, si considera che le Colonne d’Ercole menzionate da Platone possano essere rappresentate dal “Faraglione Antiche Colonne” di Carloforte, come già identificato dal Prof. Giorgio Saba nel suo libro Scusi, dov’è l’Ade? (Saba, G. (2016). Scusi, dov’è l’Ade?: Ipotesi sulla storia antica della Sardegna. AmicoLibro. ISBN-10: 889968507X. ISBN-13: 978-8899685072. Copertina flessibile.). Se queste teorie sono verificate, emerge la conferma definitiva che il mito di Atlantide sia basato su questa isola geologica semisommersa: Atlantide quindi sarebbe un’isola sommersa solo in parte e non del tutto: due suoi altopiani sarebbero rimasti fuori dall’acqua, formando due isole apparenti, che in seguito presero molti nomi tra cui Ichnussa, Sandaliotis, Cyrne, fino ad arrivare alla denominazione attuale di Sardegna e Corsica. Attraverso un’analisi dettagliata di fonti storiche, geologiche e mitologiche, onomastiche, toponomastiche, batimetriche, linguistiche, religiose, sociologiche e antropologiche, l’articolo intende dimostrare la veridicità di questa ipotesi. Il testo inizia una prima analisi delle colonie sardo corso atlantidee nel Mediterraneo, fornendo le prove scientifiche che dimostrano la presenza dei popoli atlantidei presso altre località, come Motilla del Azuer, Jaén, i Paesi Baschi. Sono anche presenti considerazioni di natura geopolitica, economica, linguistica e di Sicurezza Nazionale conseguenti alla scoperta di Atlantide nel blocco geologico sardo corso semi-sommerso.





Abstract (English)

This paper explores the hypothesis that Sardinia and Corsica, historically known to be part of the very well studied Sardinian-Corsican geological block known by official geology, can be identified together with their submerged continental shelves as Plato’s Atlantis mentioned in the two Platonic dialogues of Timaeus and Critias. Starting from the analysis of Herodotus’ statements regarding Libya and Asia, we propose that these ancient terms may actually refer to Sardinia and Corsica respectively, as reported in another paper. Furthermore, it is considered that the Pillars of Hercules mentioned by Plato may be represented by the “Faraglione Antiche Colonne” of Carloforte, as already identified by Prof. Giorgio Saba in his book Scusi, dov’è l’Ade? (Saba, G. (2016). Excuse me, where is Hades?: Hypotheses on the ancient history of Sardinia. AmicoLibro. ISBN-10: 889968507X. ISBN-13: 978-8899685072. Paperback.). If these theories are verified, the definitive confirmation emerges that the myth of Atlantis is based on this semi-submerged geological island: Atlantis would therefore be an island submerged only partially and not completely: two of its plateaus would have remained out of the water, forming two apparent islands, which later took many names including Ichnussa, Sandaliotis, Cyrne, until arriving at the current names of Sardinia and Corsica. Through a detailed analysis of historical, geological and mythological, onomastic, toponymic, bathymetric, linguistic, religious, sociological and anthropological sources, the article intends to demonstrate the truth of this hypothesis. The text begins a first analysis of the Sardinian-Corsican Atlantean colonies in the Mediterranean, providing scientific evidence that demonstrates the presence of Atlantean peoples in other locations, such as Motilla del Azuer, Jaén, the Basque Country. There are also geopolitical, economic, linguistic and National Security considerations following the discovery of Atlantis in the semi-submerged Sardinian-Corsican geological block.





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Research Report: Luigi Usai


Luigi Usai is a multifaceted individual known for his contributions to the study of Atlantis, particularly through his Sardinian Corsican Atlantean Paradigm. This report synthesizes key points from various sources to provide a comprehensive overview of his work and contributions.

Key Contributions and Theories

The Map of Atlantis

Luigi Usai is the author of “La Mappa di Atlantide” (The Map of Atlantis), which outlines his theories regarding the location and nature of Atlantis 

. This work is central to his hypothesis that Atlantis was located in the Western Mediterranean.

Sardinian Corsican Atlantean Paradigm

Usai’s principal claim is that Plato’s mention of the Atlantic Sea referred to the Western Basin of the Mediterranean. He posits that the islands of Corsica and Sardinia were once conjoined and constituted the island of Atlantis 

. This theory challenges traditional views and suggests a new geographical context for the legendary Atlantis.

Atlantean Capital in Sulcis

Usai specifies the Sardinian region of Sulcis as the home of the Atlantean capital 

. This identification adds a specific location to his broader theory, providing a focal point for archaeological and historical investigations.

Discovery of Submerged Civilizations

Usai has claimed the discovery of a hidden, unknown, mysterious submerged civilization in the Sicily-Malta Escarpment 

. This claim adds an underwater archaeological dimension to his research, suggesting that significant ancient remains may lie beneath the Mediterranean Sea.

Underwater Anomalies

In recent years, Usai has published images purporting to show underwater anomalies off the coast of Cuba 

. These images are part of his ongoing efforts to provide visual evidence supporting his theories about ancient submerged civilizations.

Historical and Genetic Context of Sardinia

Sardinia, an autonomous region of Italy, has a rich history and is known for its ancient megalithic structures, such as the Nuraghi 

. Recent genetic studies have revealed that a significant proportion of the Sardinian population descends from people who have occupied the island since the Neolithic and Bronze Ages 

. This long-standing human presence supports Usai’s theories about the island’s historical significance.

Comparative Religious and Mythological Studies

Usai’s work also includes comparative studies of religious traditions and mythological investigations. He explores the parallels between Nuragic, Proto-Jewish, Jewish, and Christian traditions, highlighting the interconnectedness of these ancient cultures 

. Additionally, he investigates the mythological Amazon warrior women, suggesting their presence in Atlantis and the Caucasus 


Linguistic Revisions

Usai proposes that the linguistic origins of the Corsican Sardinian block are Atlantean. He suggests that post-Atlantean languages spread throughout Europe and the Mediterranean, offering a new perspective on the evolution of languages in these regions 


Publications and Projects

Books and Articles

Luigi Usai has written several books and articles on Atlantis and related subjects. His works include “Riscriviamo la Storia: Incredibile scoperta di una civiltà sottomarina sconosciuta sul fondo del Mediterraneo” and “Oltre i Confini Conosciuti: Atlantide, il Giardino delle Esperidi e la Nuova Cartografia Preistorica” 

. These publications provide detailed accounts of his theories and discoveries.

Online Presence

Usai maintains an online presence through his personal website and various online platforms. He is also involved in multiple projects, including the “Tastiera Usai” project 



Luigi Usai’s contributions to the study of Atlantis and ancient civilizations are significant and multifaceted. His Sardinian Corsican Atlantean Paradigm offers a fresh perspective on the location and nature of Atlantis, challenging traditional views and opening new avenues for research. Usai’s work, encompassing historical, linguistic, and mythological studies, provides a comprehensive understanding of ancient Mediterranean civilizations. His ongoing efforts to uncover and document submerged civilizations continue to add depth to his theories and invite further exploration and debate.

Official discovery of Atlantis: Atlantis is the Sardinian Corsican sunken island. https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/OYEIHZ https://zenodo.org/search?q=metadata.creators.person_or_org.name%3A%22Usai%2C%20Luigi%22&l=list&p=1&s=20&sort=bestmatch When was Atlantis first discovered? In January 2021 by Dr. Luigi Usai in Sardinia, Quartucciu. Who was the Atlantis discoverer? Dr. Luigi Usai. What is Atlantis? The sardinian-corsican half sunken island. What are the REAL Pillar of Hercules? The Pillar of Hercules are NOT the Strait of Gibraltar: the Pillars of Heracles are the Faraglione Antiche Colonne in Carloforte, Sardinia. History must be rewritten. The discovery of Atlantis made it possible to locate the Garden of the Hesperides, and to locate the female warrior Amazons in Cagliari (Sardinia), in Mores (Sardinia), S’Arcu e is Forros (Sardinia), and Gelendžik (Caucasus, Russia). https://figshare.com/articles/dataset/Official_discovery_of_Atlantis_published_in_September_2024_by_Dr_Luigi_Usai/27048229 https://www.amazon.com/Official-discovery-Atlantis-Version-0-0-0-1/dp/B0CW3BJNG3 https://www.atlantisfound.it/2024/09/08/official-discovery-of-atlantis-published-by-dr-luigi-usai-in-italian-language-on-zenodo/ https://figshare.com/articles/dataset/Official_discovery_of_Atlantis_published_in_September_2024_by_Dr_Luigi_Usai/27048229 https://atlantipedia.ie/samples/tag/luigi-usai/ https://openlibrary.org/works/OL37904438W/Official_discovery_of_Atlantis https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/S36IEQ