• Gio. Mar 13th, 2025

Atlantis is real: Official discovery of Atlantis, language and migrations

Atlantis is the Sardo Corso Graben Horst underwater continental block submerged by the Meltwater Pulses and destroyed by a subduction zone, Capital is Sulcis

Official Discovery of Atlantis: A Comprehensive Scientific Paper on the Sardinian-Corsican Geological Block as the Remnants of Atlantis

Evidencias científicas de la existencia de la legendaria isla de la Atlántida en el bloque hundido de Cerdeña y CórcegaEvidencias científicas de la existencia de la legendaria isla de la Atlántida en el bloque hundido de Cerdeña y Córcega
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Official Discovery of Atlantis: A Comprehensive Scientific Paper on the Sardinian-Corsican Geological Block as the Remnants of Atlantis


This paper presents an extensive and detailed analysis of the evidence supporting the hypothesis that the lost civilization of Atlantis, as described by Plato, corresponds to the Sardinian-Corsican geological block. Based on a synthesis of geographical, geological, archaeological, linguistic, and historical data, the Sardinian-Corsican Atlantidean Paradigm is proposed, challenging the traditional interpretation of Atlantis’ location beyond the Pillars of Hercules (Gibraltar) and instead situating it in the Western Mediterranean. The discovery represents a paradigm shift in ancient history, positioning the Sardinian-Corsican region as the remnant of an advanced civilization whose collapse was marked by a catastrophic event.


The legend of Atlantis has intrigued scholars and explorers for millennia, often dismissed as myth. However, recent interdisciplinary research by Dr. Luigi Usai proposes a revolutionary theory: the geological block of Sardinia and Corsica is the true location of Atlantis. By analyzing ancient texts, geographic parallels, and archaeological findings, Usai demonstrates that the civilization described by Plato in Timaeus and Critias is not an invention but a historical reality tied to the prehistoric landscape of the Mediterranean.

Geographical Correlation with Plato’s Atlantis

Plato’s dialogues provide a detailed description of the island of Atlantis, particularly the size of its central plain. Usai’s analysis suggests that the dimensions of the Sardinian-Corsican block match these descriptions almost exactly. The plain described by Plato as being 555 kilometers long corresponds with the measurements of the submerged geological block. The comparison of ancient geographical markers with modern topography provides one of the strongest arguments for this theory.

Geological Evidence: The Catastrophic Event

Approximately 11,600 years ago, a cataclysmic event likely caused the partial submersion of the Sardinian-Corsican block. Usai links this to the destruction of Atlantis described by Plato, when the island disappeared “in a single day and night of misfortune.” Geological surveys reveal that this time period coincides with the Younger Dryas, a period of sudden climate change that could have triggered massive flooding in the region. This aligns with the timeline for the collapse of the Atlantean civilization.

The Pillars of Hercules: A New Interpretation

One of the most contentious aspects of identifying Atlantis has been the reference to the Pillars of Hercules, traditionally thought to be located at the Strait of Gibraltar. However, Usai suggests that the real Pillars of Hercules were located near Carloforte in Sardinia, specifically at the geological formation known as Faraglione Antiche Colonne. This shift in perspective places Atlantis firmly within the Mediterranean and offers a fresh interpretation of ancient maritime geography.

Archaeological Evidence: Nuraghe and the Atlantean Connection

The nuraghe of Sardinia, over 7,000 ancient megalithic structures, provide compelling evidence for an advanced civilization with architectural techniques similar to those described for Atlantis. These structures, alongside the discovery of statues such as those from Mont’e Prama and the “bronzetti” depicting warriors, archers, and deities, suggest a highly developed culture with deep connections to the legendary Atlantean society. Additionally, the discovery of mammoth skeletons in Sardinia recalls Plato’s mention of “species of elephants” inhabiting the island of Atlantis.

Toponymy and Idronymy: The Water Sources of Atlantis

Usai’s research delves into the place names and water sources of Sardinia, aligning them with Plato’s description of the fresh and hot springs of Atlantis. Many Sardinian toponyms contain references to water, and the presence of freshwater springs in the Sulcis region further corroborates this. Usai identifies Sulcis as the location of Atlantis’ capital, where Poseidon created these unique water features.

A Culture of Warriors: The Atlantean Military Heritage

The statues of warriors found at Mont’e Prama and the bronzetti figures demonstrate a militaristic culture, in alignment with Plato’s descriptions of Atlantis as a warlike civilization. The advanced craftsmanship of these statues reflects the technological prowess of the Nuragic people, linking them directly to the Atlanteans. These figures further suggest that the legacy of Atlantis endured through the ages, manifesting in Sardinian culture.

Geological and Mineral Wealth: Atlantis’ Riches

The Sulcis region, rich in ancient mines, presents another strong parallel to Atlantis. Sardinia’s wealth of mineral resources, including copper, lead, and zinc, matches the description of Atlantis as a land abundant in precious metals. This mineral wealth likely contributed to the prosperity of the civilization and its ability to construct monumental structures.

Textual and Linguistic Evidence: Reinterpretation of Ancient Sources

Through a critical analysis of ancient texts from authors such as Herodotus, Plato, and Diodorus Siculus, Usai suggests that historical references to the regions of Libya and Asia may, in fact, refer to Sardinia and Corsica. This reinterpretation necessitates a reassessment of ancient geography, positioning the Sardinian-Corsican block at the center of Mediterranean history. Additionally, Usai proposes that the Proto-Hebrew language may have developed from Nuragic dialects, supporting a linguistic continuity that stretches back to Atlantean origins.

The Religious Continuity: Nuragic Influence on Hebraic Traditions

Usai’s theory posits that the Proto-Hebrew people were direct descendants of the Nuragic civilization. Moses, who is traditionally associated with Egypt, is reinterpreted as a figure with Nuragic roots. The worship of the “Golden Calf” during the Exodus, Usai suggests, is a continuation of the Nuragic veneration of the “Vitello di Luce,” a divine symbol tied to the Bull of Light. These religious parallels offer further evidence of a deep cultural continuity from Atlantis through the Nuragic civilization to the early Hebrews.

Conclusion: A New Historical Paradigm

The Sardinian-Corsican Atlantidean Paradigm offers a revolutionary new lens through which to view the ancient history of the Mediterranean. By linking archaeological, geological, and textual evidence, Dr. Luigi Usai presents a compelling case for the identification of Atlantis with the Sardinian-Corsican block. This paradigm shift challenges traditional notions of ancient history and calls for further interdisciplinary research to fully explore the implications of this discovery.


  • Usai, L. (2024). Official Discovery of Atlantis: Version 1. Harvard Dataverse. https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/S36IEQ
  • Plato. (360 BCE). Timaeus and Critias.
  • Herodotus. Histories.
  • Diodorus Siculus. Library of History.
  • Geological Survey of Sardinia and Corsica (2023). “The Younger Dryas and Its Impacts on the Mediterranean Basin.”