• Mar. Mar 4th, 2025

Atlantis is real: Official discovery of Atlantis, language and migrations

Atlantis is the Sardo Corso Graben Horst underwater continental block submerged by the Meltwater Pulses and destroyed by a subduction zone, Capital is Sulcis

Discovery of Atlantis by Dr. Luigi UsaiDiscovery of Atlantis by Dr. Luigi Usai
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Scientific Evidence for the Existence of the Legendary Island of Atlantis on the Sunken Sardinian-Corsican Block

In January 2021, Luigi Usai, an independent researcher, released a new hypothesis [ 125 ]  according to which the sinking of Atlantis is due to the sudden melting of the ice following the glaciation called Würm. Geologists know that the level of the Mediterranean Sea reached -120 meters below the current level about 14,000 years ago. The so-called “Messinian salinity crisis” is also well known, during which Sardinia and Corsica were joined due to the lowering of the sea level by over a hundred meters, and it was possible to travel between them on foot. During the period of the war that broke out between Atlantis and Greece, that is, in 9600 BC, that is, about 11,600 years ago, geologists know that Sardinia and Corsica and a large part of the currently submerged coasts formed what appeared to be a large island, which was called by Plato in the third chapter of Timaeus and in Critias, with the name of Atlantis. [ 126 ] [ 127 ]  In Book IV of the Histories  [ 128 ] , Herodotus speaks of Libya and Asia, until today sometimes interpreted as the whole of Africa and present-day Turkey, sometimes as present-day Libya and Asia Minor. Usai makes a change of scientific paradigm and interprets Libya as Sardinia and Asia as Corsica [ 129 ] . Plato therefore, when he states in Timaeus and Critias that Atlantis was larger than Libya and Asia put together, would be affirming that Atlantis was larger than Sardinia and Corsica put together, confirming the Sardinian-Corsican Atlantean paradigm. At the centre of the Atlantean plain and enclosed by the current Campidano plain, there would be what was the capital of Atlantis, also known by the name of Atlantide but today known by the name of  Sulcis , and which started from a hill near the small village of  Santadi  and  Masainas  and  Teulada , forming concentric circles of land and sea. It is still possible to note how, starting from Santadi, the entire urban plan develops in concentric circles, even portions of mountains. There is also a vast Sardinian toponymy  [ 130 ]  related to the myth of Atlantis. In fact, as Usai points out, next to Santadi there are many places whose name recalls the hot and cold water sources created by Poseidon, who according to Usai was a simple man, probably a King, and not a God. Poseidon placed a hot water source and a cold water source in the capital of Atlantis. In fact, even today there are some hamlets of towns called ” Acquacadda ” . ” (Hot Water, in the Campidanese Sardinian dialect),  S’acqua callenti de basciu .  (The Hot Water below, in Campidanese Sardinian) and S’Acqua Callenti de Susu (The Hot Water above, also in the Campidanese Sardinian dialect, the dialectal variant of the Sardinian language spoken in the south of Sardinia), while in the nearby town of Siliqua the cold water source of  Zinnigas is still present today . Also in  Siliqua , a small town also located in the province of  Cagliari , the “Castello d’Acquafredda” still exists, currently known for the famous story told by  Dante Alighieri  about Count Ugolino, who had stayed there according to a legend passed down orally. The  castle of Acquafredda  takes its name from the medieval town of Acquafredda, which disappeared a few centuries ago, whose name recalls the cold water source of Poseidon, while in the province of Carbonia Caput Acquas insists on the theme of water. Furthermore, Usai points out, the tridents of Poseidon have been found   carved in Neolithic and Paleolithic rocks found near the town of  Laconi , in  Sardinia . Next to Santadi there is a town called Narcao, which has two hamlets, called “Is Sais Superiore” and “Is Sais Inferiore”; this is a clear reference according to Usai, to the city of  Sais  in Egypt, where the high priest Sonchis revealed the story of Atlantis to  Solon , the famous Greek politician. Furthermore, Sais is also a Sardinian surname. There are still two other interesting toponyms: Acqua Callentis [ 131 ]  (another way of saying “Hot Water” in the Campidanese and Sulcitano Sardinian dialect), also known by the name of “Is Perdas” (i.e. “The Stones”): this location also recalls the sources of hot and cold water placed by Poseidon in the Platonic myth; and the locality of Terresoli (a crasis of Terra De Soli, or Land of the Sun in Campidanese and Sulcitano Sardinian) which closely recalls the name of  Eliopolis , another city linked to the myth of Atlantis: in fact while Eliopolis in Greek means City of the Sun, Terresoli  [ 132 ] means Land of the Sun. The locality of Piscinas is also found in Sulcis and takes up the theme of floods of water: in fact in the Sardinian language this term is used to indicate a place where there has been an enormous stagnation of water. Among the toponymy linked to the myth of Atlantis in Sardinia we must remember the Caves of Neptune  [ 133 ]  [ 134 ] near Capo Caccia and Alghero. Usai’s theory, which takes the name of “Sardinian-Corsican-Atlantean paradigm”, states that the species of elephants that Plato speaks of in Timaeus and Critias is that of the  Mammuthus Lamarmorai  [ 135 ]  [ 136 ]  [ 137 ] , present on the Sardinian-Corsican island which is currently half-submerged, and of which remains have been found in at least three places in present-day Sardinia: in Gonnesa  [ 138 ] , in Sinis  [ 139 ]  [ 140 ]  and in Alghero  [ 141 ] . At the end of the story of Atlantis, in Timaeus, Plato states that the island was surrounded by mud which impeded navigation: this would have been caused by the erosion of the  Sardinian-Corsican continental shelf  by thousands of years of  undertow . The island of Atlantis was the largest of all, according to Plato: in fact the Sardinian-Corsican geological block was an island of emerged land and is in fact the largest of all those in the Western Mediterranean, which according to Usai was called the Atlantic Ocean even before papyrus and scrolls dealing with geography were made, which is why no memory remained, and later the geography was modified. In Atlantis there were the oldest old people: in fact Sardinia, which would only be an emerged plateau of Atlantis, is still famous throughout the world for its people of centenarians [ 142 ] , in particular the population of the  blue area  of  ​​Perdas De Fogu [ 143 ]  [ 144 ]  [ 145 ]  [ 146 ] . Atlantis had a flourishing trade, as research has shown for Sardinia  [ 147 ]  [ 148 ]  [ 149 ] . Atlantis was rich in minerals  [ 150 ]  [ 151 ] , and in fact the mines of Sulcis are the oldest in Europe [ 152 ] ; furthermore in Sardinia there are rare earths  [ 153 ]  and mineral species unique in the whole planet earth, such as Ichnusaite  [ 154 ] , Nuragheite  [ 155 ]  [ 156 ] , and from the mine of Su Sinargiu in Sulcis the presence of Suseinargiuite was discovered [ 157 ] , Cabvinite  [ 158 ] , Tancaite  [ 159 ] , Sardegnaite  [ 160 ] , Mambertiite  [ 161 ] , new minerals recently discovered and previously totally unknown to the scientific world. The discovery of a load of orichalcum  ingots [ 162 ]  in a submerged wreck off the coast of Gela  [ 163 ]  [ 164 ]  [ 165 ]  [ 166 ]  [ 167 ]  and now in the related museum  [ 168 ]  supports Usai’s theories. Following the first discovery in December 2014, in which 40 orichalcum ingots were recovered  [ 169 ] , a second discovery of another 47 ingots occurred in February 2016  [ 170 ] . The Atlanteans were “tower builders” according to Platonic dialogues: and in fact there are over 7000 nuraghi and hundreds of others are continuously discovered but not excavated. Usai also states that the ancient literary text of the Meropide deals with the island of Atlantis as a semi-submerged Sardinian-Corsican block: currently, however, all official texts consider the Meropide only a parody of Platonic texts. The discovery in the rock shelter at Su Carroppu di Sirri of three ancient Sardinian individuals [ 171 ]  [ 172 ] , two of whom have given us the possibility of analysing  ancient DNA [ 173 ] , has shown that this population of Sulcis does not date back to 8000 years ago as initially believed [ 174 ] , but rather dates back to 11000 years ago [ 175 ]  , and the war between Atlantis and early Greece mentioned in the Timaeus and Critias broke out, according to Plato, 11600 years ago: this would seem to be a confirmation of the presence of a Sardinian population in the period in which the story of Atlantis is placed. The DNA found is different from the DNA of the Neolithic population that colonized the island of Sardinia about three thousand years later, and the analysis has shown that these populations of 11,000 years ago preyed on marine resources, that is, they fed on seafood and lived along the coasts, in accordance with Usai’s Atlantean paradigm.

Plato  states that in Atlantis they built using stones of three colors: black, red and white; the black stones would be obsidian [ 176 ] [  177 ] , in particular that of  Monte Arci [ 178 ] , which Sardinia has exported throughout Europe for thousands of years and slate, the red rocks would be those of Arbatax [ 179 ]  and Carloforte and others submerged in the Sardinian-Corsican paleocoasts. In the summer of 2024 the archaeological works at the Nuraghe Miali of Pompu [ 180 ]  brought to light black basalt ashlars that show the Nuragic habit of creating chromatic effects in the architecture through the alternation of stones of various colors, in accordance with what Plato stated. The same phenomenon was found and certified at the Nuraghe Arrubiu [ 181 ]  and the Nuraghe Palmavera and the Nuragic Palace of Barumini. The Pillars of Hercules would be the Faraglione Antiche Colonne of Carloforte [ 182 ]  [ 183 ]  as proposed by Giorgio Saba, still existing and of very ancient history [ 184 ] , and not the Strait of Gibraltar as believed up to now by most theories: beyond the Pillars of Hercules of Carloforte therefore, there was a narrow port, namely the small port formed by the islands of  Sant’Antioco  and San Pietro, and outside this small port there was the real sea, called in Timaeus and Critias also  the Atlantic Ocean , but today called  the Western Mediterranean  . The Sardinian-Corsican Atlantean paradigm proposes that the Atlanteans populated the Sardinian-Corsican continental platform currently semi-submerged in the Mediterranean, forced then to migrate when the  eustatic level  rose drastically  [ 185 ] , perhaps due to repeated Meltwater Pulses [ 186 ]  [ 187 ] , distributed over several millennia. These migrations would later take various names:  Sumerians  and  Vascons , among others, giving rise to the  megalithic civilization  along the coasts of all  Europe . In support of this Usai claims that these peoples have agglutinative Semitic languages, an “Atlantean” characteristic; the  Basques in fact they have prehistoric carnival figures similar to the Sardinian ones because both peoples “come from Atlantis”, that is from the semi-submerged Sardinian Corsican geological block: the Joaldun [ 188 ] , the  Mamuthones  [ 189 ]  [ 190 ]  [ 191 ] , the  Boes and the Merdules . Furthermore, the Basques would have brought the tradition of the bulls described by Plato in  Timaeus  and  Critias , bulls that were venerated and respected in Atlantis, in  Pamplona  in  Navarre  the use of the Encierro , which then changed into the  Spanish bullfight  . The implications of Usai’s hypotheses are also of a linguistic nature: Indo-European would not exist, but would be a linguistic construct that linguists invented to explain the effect of the Atlantean languages ​​throughout Europe [ 192 ] .

Official discovery of Atlantis: Atlantis is the Sardinian Corsican sunken island.
When was Atlantis first discovered? In January 2021 by Dr. Luigi Usai in Sardinia, Quartucciu.
Who was the Atlantis discoverer? Dr. Luigi Usai.
What is Atlantis? The sardinian-corsican half sunken island.
What are the REAL Pillar of Hercules? The Pillar of Hercules are NOT the Strait of Gibraltar: the Pillars of Heracles are the Faraglione Antiche Colonne in Carloforte, Sardinia.
History must be rewritten. The discovery of Atlantis made it possible to locate the Garden of the Hesperides, and to locate the female warrior Amazons in Cagliari (Sardinia), in Mores (Sardinia), S’Arcu e is Forros (Sardinia), and Gelendžik (Caucasus, Russia).