• Gio. Set 19th, 2024

Atlantis is real: Official discovery of Atlantis, language and migrations

Atlantis is the Sardo Corso Graben Horst underwater continental block submerged by the Meltwater Pulses and destroyed by a subduction zone, Capital is Sulcis

Mese: Settembre 2024

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  • Atlantis has been found. Luigi Usai’s Atlantean paradigm shift in history and geography

Versione 675 Scoperta ufficiale dell’isola leggendaria di Atlantide pubblicata ad Harvard e Zenodo by Dr. Luigi Usai

Official discovery of Atlantis v1 Version 1.0 Usai, Luigi, 2024, “Official discovery of Atlantis v1”, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/S36IEQ, Harvard Dataverse, V1 Cite…