• Ven. Ott 18th, 2024

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Birsa Bank new discoveries under the mediterranean sea


Gen 11, 2022
Birska Bank hidden deep unknown civilisation found by Luigi Usai – atlantisfound.itBirska Bank hidden deep unknown civilisation found by Luigi Usai – atlantisfound.it
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Birsa Bank hidden deep unknown civilisation found by Luigi Usai – atlantisfound.it

I’m Luigi Usai, owner of www.atlantisfound.it

I think I found something interesting to be examined by the Scientific Community: what appears to be a hidden unknown civilisation under the Mediterranean Sea. I already found what appears to be a very big city on the Sicily-Malta Escarpment. I want to tell the world about what is there under the Birsa bank on the Sicilian Canal. Feel free to check if true at:


Sicily Channel Malta Plateau Malta Channel Sicily-Malta Escarpment Gela Basin Malta Trough Hurd Bank

Some Data/Information used in this website was made available by the EMODnet Human Activities project and Emodnet, www.emodnet-humanactivities.eu, funded by the European Commission Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.

In base alla vigente normativa, considerando l’animus derelinquendi nei confronti del corpus derelictionis, dichiaro Res Nullius e Res Derelicta il ritrovamento e/o gli oggetti in esso presenti, salvo diverse disposizioni normative che verranno valutate di volta in volta con le Autorità preposte.

I published a book to certify that I did this discovery first in the world: