• Ven. Ott 18th, 2024

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Lug 14, 2022
Celtic Sea Submerged Civilisations found by Luigi Usai in July 2022
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Some Data/Information used in this website was made available by the EMODnet Human Activities project and Emodnet, www.emodnet-humanactivities.eu, funded by the European Commission Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.

Sicily Channel Malta Plateau Malta Channel Sicily-Malta Escarpment Gela Basin Malta Trough Hurd Bank

Some Data/Information used in this website was made available by the EMODnet Human Activities project and Emodnet, www.emodnet-humanactivities.eu, funded by the European Commission Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.

In base alla vigente normativa, considerando l’animus derelinquendi nei confronti del corpus derelictionis, dichiaro Res Nullius e Res Derelicta il ritrovamento e/o gli oggetti in esso presenti, salvo diverse disposizioni normative che verranno valutate di volta in volta con le Autorità preposte.

Beneath the Celtic Sea – 11 July 2022

Luigi Usai found strange shapes beneath the Celtic Sea.

They seem to be very ancient cities and/or buildings, on the sea floor, with contruction techniques very similar to those of Birsa Bank and with those of the Sicily-Malta escarpment.




Strange to say it, Hy-Brasil was depicted in a very similar way, with a channel passing through the middle of the “island”.



hy-brasil Usai Luigi

Hy-Brasil could simply be due to a morgana fairy effect showing the Celtic Sea bottom floor. The images appeared rounded to the sailors who were not aware of seeing a fata morgana effect, and therefore saw a rounded figure divided in the center by a canal.
There could be an entire civilisation sunken in the Celtic Sea.

We’d better investigate about it.


Luigi Usai potential discovery of the Celtic Sea Sunken Civilisations: is it the famous underwater kingdom of Wales?

Celtic Sea Submerged Civilisations found by Luigi Usai in July 2022