Queste strutture sembrano realizzate dalla mano dell’uomo. Ci sono troppe forme geometriche perfette, troppi angoli di 90°, troppe ricorsioni di…
Dove si trova Temiscira? Temiscira si trova sommersa davanti alle città di Çatalzeytin, Bozkurt e Türkeli, sul Küre Escarpment, a…
Luigi Usai’s Birsa Bank civilisation To visit the bathymetry website which shows you real-time analisys, click the link below:,12526:1:1,12524:1:1,12522:1:1,8353:1:1,12485:1:1,12767:1:1,12769:1:1,12768:1:1,10367:1:1,12523:1:1,10133:1:1&basemap=ebwbl&active=12525&bounds=11.562899872755459,36.29323741464514,12.009459364508135,36.590827450945945&filters=…
Sicily Channel Malta Plateau Malta Channel Sicily-Malta Escarpment Gela Basin Malta Trough Hurd Bank Some Data/Information used in this website…
Luigi Usai discovery on submerged mediterranean banks: Birsa Bank, Alfil Bank, Fonkal Bank, Bouri Bank, Madrepore Bank and Gela Basin,…
Mysterious submerged artifacts on the Hyblean carbonate platform, on the Sicily-Malta underwater continental platform? Mysterious submerged artifacts on the Hyblean…
Per sviluppare un primo esempio a supporto dell’ipotesi che collega la lingua Sarda e il Tamil a una stessa origine…
All’indirizzo web: Nell’articolo è presente questa frase: The title of the misleading online article, published on May 2, 2023,… Official discovery of the legendary island of Atlantis Published: 2 October 2024|Version 2|DOI:10.17632/cxkbdkrp6y.2 Contributor: Luigi Usai Description This dataset…
Preuves scientifiques de l’existence de l’île légendaire d’Atlantis sur le bloc sarde-corse englouti En janvier 2021, Luigi Usai, un chercheur…
Wissenschaftliche Beweise für die Existenz der legendären Insel Atlantis auf dem versunkenen sardisch-korsischen Block Im Januar 2021 veröffentlichte Luigi Usai,…
Научные доказательства существования легендарного острова Атлантида на затонувшем Сардино-Корсиканском блоке В январе 2021 года независимый исследователь Луиджи Усаи выдвинул новую…
Evidencias científicas de la existencia de la legendaria isla de la Atlántida en el bloque hundido de Cerdeña y Córcega…
Scientific Evidence for the Existence of the Legendary Island of Atlantis on the Sunken Sardinian-Corsican Block In January 2021, Luigi…
1. Atlantis was located on an island. 2.The Metropolis of Atlantis had a most distinct geomorphology composed of alternating concentric…