Queste strutture sembrano realizzate dalla mano dell’uomo. Ci sono troppe forme geometriche perfette, troppi angoli di 90°, troppe ricorsioni di…
Dove si trova Temiscira? Temiscira si trova sommersa davanti alle città di Çatalzeytin, Bozkurt e Türkeli, sul Küre Escarpment, a…
Luigi Usai’s Birsa Bank civilisation To visit the bathymetry website which shows you real-time analisys, click the link below:,12526:1:1,12524:1:1,12522:1:1,8353:1:1,12485:1:1,12767:1:1,12769:1:1,12768:1:1,10367:1:1,12523:1:1,10133:1:1&basemap=ebwbl&active=12525&bounds=11.562899872755459,36.29323741464514,12.009459364508135,36.590827450945945&filters=…
Sicily Channel Malta Plateau Malta Channel Sicily-Malta Escarpment Gela Basin Malta Trough Hurd Bank Some Data/Information used in this website…
Luigi Usai discovery on submerged mediterranean banks: Birsa Bank, Alfil Bank, Fonkal Bank, Bouri Bank, Madrepore Bank and Gela Basin,…
Mysterious submerged artifacts on the Hyblean carbonate platform, on the Sicily-Malta underwater continental platform? Mysterious submerged artifacts on the Hyblean…
Puoi articolare la tua tesi partendo da alcuni punti chiave che evidenziano come le caratteristiche comunemente attribuite all’Indoeuropeo siano in… Official discovery of the legendary island of Atlantis Published: 2 October 2024|Version 2|DOI:10.17632/cxkbdkrp6y.2 Contributor: Luigi Usai Description This dataset…
Preuves scientifiques de l’existence de l’île légendaire d’Atlantis sur le bloc sarde-corse englouti En janvier 2021, Luigi Usai, un chercheur…
Wissenschaftliche Beweise für die Existenz der legendären Insel Atlantis auf dem versunkenen sardisch-korsischen Block Im Januar 2021 veröffentlichte Luigi Usai,…
Научные доказательства существования легендарного острова Атлантида на затонувшем Сардино-Корсиканском блоке В январе 2021 года независимый исследователь Луиджи Усаи выдвинул новую…
Evidencias científicas de la existencia de la legendaria isla de la Atlántida en el bloque hundido de Cerdeña y Córcega…
Scientific Evidence for the Existence of the Legendary Island of Atlantis on the Sunken Sardinian-Corsican Block In January 2021, Luigi…
1. Atlantis was located on an island. 2.The Metropolis of Atlantis had a most distinct geomorphology composed of alternating concentric…
Repository of files concerning the Sardinian Corsican Atlantean Paradigm by Mr. Luigi Usai 2024 | Gruppo dati DOI: 10.7910/DVN/OYEIHZ Partecipanti:…