Il Giardino delle Esperidi donava dei frutti d’oro, e si trovava agli estremi confini della terra conosciuta; è stata rilevata…
Det mycket intressanta bidraget från Geopop som visar den sardiska ön Corso Atlantis när den var land under mesolitikum:…
La muy interesante contribución de Geopop que muestra la isla sarda Corso Atlantis cuando era tierra durante el Mesolítico:…
Der sehr interessante Beitrag von Geopop , der die sardische Insel Corso Atlantis zeigt, als sie während der Mittelsteinzeit Land…
La contribution très intéressante de Geopop montrant l’île sarde Corso Atlantis lorsqu’elle était terrestre au Mésolithique : Découvertes surprenantes…
The very interesting contribution of Geopop showing the Sardinian Corso Atlantis island when it was land during the Mesolithic:…
Il Giardino delle Esperidi donava dei frutti d’oro, e si trovava agli estremi confini della terra conosciuta; è stata rilevata…
Cannonau is a red wine grape variety that is widely grown in Sardinia, Italy. It is the most widespread indigenous…
Version 157 Atlantis is the semi-submerged Sardinian-Corsican geological block. Recent archaeological discoveries in Sardinia have brought to light Paleolithic artifacts…
A new paradigm shift, as explained by Thomas Kuhn in the text entitled “The structure of scientific revolutions”: the Sardinian-Corsican-Atlantean…