Struttura geologica anomala a catena genera l’effetto concavo-convesso; apparentemente di natura antropica, possibilmente olocenica. Necessaria stratigrafia ed hacking del contesto.…
Santa Cruz Island, California: sunken landscapes in the vision of Luigi Usai. To see the underwater structure, click here,12534:1:1,12533:1:1,12568:1:1,12570:1:1,12964:1:1,12566:1:1,10210:1:1,12493:1:1,12494:1:1,10132:1:1,12495:1:1,10367:1:1,12522:1:1,12523:1:1,12525:1:1,12526:1:1,12528:1:1,12721:1:1,8353:1:1,10133:1:1,12524:1:1,12769:1:1,12768:1:1&basemap=ebwbl&active=12767&bounds=-120.00462215820254,33.82638968956642,-119.18544026627335,34.372297622234846&filters=…
Temiscira existe Related posts: Protetto: اٹلانٹس کو لوڈئی عیسائی نے سرڈینیہ کے سلکیس-اگلیسیئنٹ میں پایا ہے ، اس کا دارالحکومت…
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Pubblicato il volume dell’opera “Le civiltà sommerse nello Stretto d’Otranto“. L’opera mostra le prime immagini al mondo di varie Civilizzazioni…
Several submerged Ionian cities discovered next to the Echinad Islands Discovered some new submerged inhabited centers in Ionian Greece, near…
Scoperti alcuni nuovi centri abitati sommersi nella grecia ionica, vicino alle isole Echinadi, vicino all’Isola di Itaca, dal filosofo sardo…
由“Luigi Usai”发现的 Lemnos 神话迷宫。 非凡的新奇之处发表在他的最新著作《Urbanistica preistorica》(史前城市主义, Prehistoric Urban Design)中。 只展示了几张图片来证明这一发现对科学界的好处。 Related posts: अटलांटिस को लुइगी उसाई ने सार्डिनिया में सुल्सिस-इग्लेसिएंट…
Die außergewöhnliche Nachricht ist in seinem neuesten Buch mit dem Titel „Urbanistica preistorica“ („Prähistorischer Städtebau“) veröffentlicht. Nur wenige Bilder werden…
Found by Luigi Usai the mythological labyrinth of Lemnos. The extraordinary news is published in his latest book entitled “Urbanistica…