Atlantis adalah blok benua Korsika sardinia yang terendam oleh berbagai gelombang lelehan air bersama dengan beberapa bencana yang disebabkan oleh…
Атлантида была найдена Атлантида – это подводный континентальный блок Сардо Корсо Грабен Хорст, затопленный импульсами талой воды и разрушенный зоной…
أتلانتس هو كتلة قارية كورسيكية في سردينيا مغمورة بنبضات المياه الذائبة المختلفة مع بعض الكوارث الناجمة عن منطقة الانغماس في…
Scientific paper explains Sardinians were living in Sulcis Iglesiente since 11.000 years ago Atlantis has finally been discovered Atlantis…
There is a tectonic subduction fault that passes through the Strait of Gibraltar, passes under the Sulcis Iglesiente in present-day…
Esistono prove genetiche, tettoniche, archeologiche, idrografiche, geologiche, geografiche, paleontologiche, fonologiche, onomastiche, toponomastiche e linguistiche dell’esistenza di Atlantide, che verranno elencate…
Scientific proof of the existence of the legendary Isle of Atlantis: nuragic means atlantean The Superintendencies and at least one…
Atlantide esiste ed è stata ritrovata. Atlantide è il blocco geologico sardo-corso semisommerso. L’isola sardo corso atlantidea dava il nome…
Warning: I am not a specialist. These posts promote the Sardinian Corsican Atlantean paradigm, proposed by me, which states that…
Mysterious Minoan Language of Ancient Crete is Sardinian language/dialect. Ilienses, before to build Troy, founded a colony in Crete, speaking…