• Ven. Ott 18th, 2024

Atlantis is real: Official discovery of Atlantis, language and migrations

Atlantis is the Sardo Corso Graben Horst underwater continental block submerged by the Meltwater Pulses and destroyed by a subduction zone, Capital is Sulcis


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Grosseto, struttura subacquea sommersa?

Grosseto, struttura subacquea sommersa? Guardala coi tuoi occhi: https://emodnet.ec.europa.eu/geoviewer/?layers=12525:1:1,12526:1:1,12524:1:1,12522:1:1,8353:1:1,10367:1:1,12523:1:1,10133:1:1&basemap=ebwbl&active=12525&bounds=10.541573463843783,42.34057508889583,11.260232707778336,42.81949410067409&filters= I server grafici dell’Unione Europea stanno funzionando male. Posso riprogrammare D-Wave…